
Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Here is the link to the league!
Password is Jesus. The Draft is a live draft Monday 3pm Eastern but you can set it to auto pick for you! Warning the rules are a little different than normal. You will have to draft Defensive players as well and the points are scored a little different. This is a high Scoring league so keep that in mind!
Here is the link to the league!
Password is Jesus. The Draft is a live draft Monday 3pm Eastern but you can set it to auto pick for you! Warning the rules are a little different than normal. You will have to draft Defensive players as well and the points are scored a little different. This is a high Scoring league so keep that in mind!

how much is it? what's the latest we can join?
IT IS FREE!!! And you have until Sunday to Join I think Might be able to join Monday Morning not sure.
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Hey Dredd, that link isn't working for me. What is the league ID?

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it to work. I was trying to sign up for the leagues that cost $$$ instead of the free ones. For future reference, the League ID # is 645682.
I wish this would have come up a few days ago. I would have joined. As it is, I've joined a league with some guys I work with. I can't juggle two fantasy teams at once. It messes with my head. The rosters start running together.