

I went GvGing with [GOD] and we finally get out there and my internet doesn't work...

so a few minutes into the game people thought "Where'd he GO?!?!?!?!"
see what happens on windows machines...
if you have connection issues often file a complaint to your isp, sometimes they will fix a few problems.
This isn't a windows problem, for crying out loud. We've had trouble with (gasp) our INTERNET COMPANY! You know, your irrelevant tangents about Windows are getting annoying.
Heh, I booted up GW the other day, and as soon as I went through the process of booting 2 copies of it, my net crashed. :rolleyes:
I dont know what is wrong with your ISPs, my ISP usus mostly solaris/unix with windows name servers. I rarely ever have any downtime :P
For the last time, it's our cable provider. This happens to other people, too. They use the same company. It's just a crappy company. The only one around that gives us somewhat of a good deal, but a crappy one nonetheless.
I went GvGing with [GOD] and we finally get out there and my internet doesn't work...

so a few minutes into the game people thought "Where'd he GO?!?!?!?!"

SO, you can find time to GvG with [GOD] while never showing up for PvPs involving [SoE] and [SOE]? :p Seriously, are we doing PvP events too late for you, or maybe on the wrong days? Or are you just partial to GvG? Or are you just afraid we'll force you to log in to TS and discover your TRUE identity?

Or are you just afraid we'll force you to log in to TS and discover your TRUE identity?

Ooh, ooh, someone quick come up with a juicy rumor!

EDIT: Wow, I can't believe I just spammed a thread in the PvP forum. I should delete my own post. :(

And since when was I not a geek?? *glares* Now it's personal. *gets out the whoopin' stick* AND I'M NOT A GIRL!! Just because I enjoy the company of them doesn't qualify me as one... DOES IT?? :eek:

And since when was I not a geek?? *glares* Now it's personal. *gets out the whoopin' stick* AND I'M NOT A GIRL!! Just because I enjoy the company of them doesn't qualify me as one... DOES IT?? :eek:

just because you are not a queen doesnt mean that benevolent dictator is a male title.