Double XP Scroll weekend - Make a new character?


New Member
hey guys,

So this weekend all xp scrolls will drop at double the rate and all of the lengths on them will last twice as long. On saturday, since my wife has to work and I don't have any plans, I am planning on starting a brand new character. As of right now i have a lvl 20 ranger and my wife has a lvl 15 monk and thats it. I have never even played around with another character except in pvp.

I have been considering for a while on starting a W/Mo and since the double XP weekend is this weekend it seems like a good time. If anyone has been thinking of starting a new character let me know what time you want to meet and we will knock out as much of the early game stuff as we can without dying of boredom, we can teamspeak to keep our sanity. Let me know, i made my warrior real quick even though i am waiting until saturday to play him, his name is "More Of Him" if you want to throw me a whisper in game, or post it on here if you are interested.
If you need any scrolls to help with this, let me know. I still have a few on my characters. I don't need any of them since all 6 of mine have been lvl 20 for a good while.
Are you starting in Factions or Prophecies?

If you are in factions leveling is much easier. Also, you can get scrolls from the quartermasters with Imperial Commodations and Monastery Credits.
actually i am starting in prophecies, i have 1 scroll at the moment but i figured that it shouldnt be a problem for them to drop. I dont have factions, i figure there is still a lot of game yet to play for prophecies. If you have some extra scrolls that you dont need though astrod i will definetely buy them from you.
No need to pay for them from me. I have no need of them and they are just taking up space. I've only held onto them in case someone need to lvl faster or when I play along side someone's low level character. I should be on late tonight. If I see you, I'll make sure and whisper you. said:
Double-Fun Weekend Coming! 6 September 2006
This weekend will provide you with two ways to double your fun: First of all, you will find that the drop rate for all experience scrolls is doubled. In addition, all XP scrolls—new and previously-acquired—will have double the duration time during the weekend event. The fun starts at Noon PDT on Friday and runs through 11:59 PDT on Sunday night.

Hmmm i was just wondering this.... Lets say you take a quest and complete it, and to get the xp you have to go to someone outside of town. Does that mean if you slap on a scroll and talk to the guy to get xp that you will get double xp from the scroll(depending on how good it is)?

Cause that would be awesome for ppl starting new bad i have no more slots left.
Actually, after reading the event details myself, it appears that the scrolls will last twice as long rather than giving twice as much XP. So, it's not double XP. The scrolls just last longer.
Hmmm i was just wondering this.... Lets say you take a quest and complete it, and to get the xp you have to go to someone outside of town. Does that mean if you slap on a scroll and talk to the guy to get xp that you will get double xp from the scroll(depending on how good it is)?

Cause that would be awesome for ppl starting new bad i have no more slots left.

No this doesn't work, with scrolls only XP from kills is affected. Fixed XP amounts are not affected. I had high hopes on one of my characters and tried it when fighting my Doppleganger. I didn't get the 50K XP doubled.

I have a stockpile of scrolls and a lvl2 ranger in Cantha. I also have a pre-sear lvl8 warrior. I might have to dust them off for a little while. Then again, I already have so much to do with my other characters.
Well im here and im gonna jump on tonight to see if whats going on in pvp. I should be on teamspeak so if anyone is interested let me know or throw me a whisper, Dylan Paul or More of Him are my character names.