Starburst Balanced!


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Ok folks Servant and a few good friends of Servant and a few pugs went out and tested this last night. It worked when we worked together! We faced Iway, Balanced, Henchway and Dual smite. We lost most of them but to be honest we could have won every single game we played. They are no glring weakness other than were are 99% touch AOE but we can spike a target. Here is what we used.

4 Starburst Ele: E/A


Flame Burst
Fire Attunment
Death's Charge
Rez Sig

1 Shockwave Warder E/Mes

Obsidian Flame
Ward Againsr Foes
Ward against Melee
Ward of Stability
Earth Attunment
Mantra of Concetration
Rez Sig

1 RC Prot Monk
1 WoH/hp Monk
1 SB/Infuse

that is what we used. there is a little tweeking we can do. But this is the core of the build. I am toying with the Idea of taking out the RC/Prot and put in a Rit/R spirit spammer.
post WoH build? just so i have it? since i dont have factions my WoH is the only build i can do
like i tell everyone else, im not gonna pay money for prof. im never gonna play, lands im never gonna explore, and a game i already own.
WoH/Hp Is also on the website but here is basically what I use.

Always need to be a Mo/Mes

Heal Party
Healing Seed
Orision of Healing
Dwayna's Kiss
Remove Hex
Inspired Hex or Holy Veil or Rez Sig

This is the PvP build although it still works well in PvE
dwanya's kiss is the best monk skill hands down :P

I remember a hex spike that it dominated, that was till they targeted me, turns out the other monk didnt even bring it :(