It's that time of year again...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Oct. 23 2004,11:28)]Uh, but how can you celebrate something UNGODLY in a godly manner?  For example, how can you worship a pagan idol in a godly manner?  
We do not do the idol thing!!!!

KJV describes Ephesians 5 better to me.  It is speaking more of fellowship with those who are in celebration and being in "cahoots" with the ungodly.

As for the verses in James and John...
Please correct me if I am wrong.  I do not think I am going against this verse.  I am in no way celebrating as the pagans did.  I am either passing out candy, at my church, or at my family's home for the entire evening.  We have food, fun, and fellowship.  We are not actually participating in the traditional "pagan" ritual.  I decorate with fall colors, a pumpkin, scarecrow, lights...if at all.

Deuteronomy 18
Please DV, please!  Now, when my kids were teens, I may have considered vs.10a  on many occasions...but have you not figured me out one single bit?  Do you think I or anyone who has answered here will be participating in any of these things?  I will go as far as to say the majority of Americans have not kept with the tradition of the pagans, or even know this days roots for that matter.  But I tell you one thing, if my celebrating offends you, or anyone else, I will not do it.  Just say the word!

Abstain from all appearance of evil. I Thessalonians 5:22
I believe I can be with my family on this day, and do just that.
He's not saying that you do, his point is that by worshiping a god of some sort you are by definition worshiping in a 'godly manner.' Course I don't think that was your point...buut..yeah.
we arent worshiping a pagan god... we are collecting candy... God sees our intention not what idiotic sort of ritual it is... so if some pagan God came up with the idea of using a toiolet then we would be worshipping a pagan God by using a toilet? lol, Im glad neither of you are god.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so if some pagan God came up with the idea of using a toiolet then we would be worshipping a pagan God by using a toilet?

So u believe there are other gods.

Sry Byblos u make it easy, and its fun.
Idol worship was an ANALOGY, calm down.

Byblos, you're really quick to point out that you follow what is in the Bible (which is strange in its own right, since you haven't read but 10% of it).

Where does it say to celebrate Halloween? Or Easter or Christmas for that matter?

You are simply turning a blind eye to the pagan origins of a pagan day so you can take part in its pagan rituals without feeling you are betraying God.

You can dress it up any way you like with pretty fall colors and slap a cute little name on it, but in the end you are taking part in a completely pagan ritual. You are doing EXACTLY what the Catholic Chuch wanted you to do by embracing it and trying to make this pagan day holy to you.

Face it, you LIKE what the Dark Side has to offer

As Yoda would say...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is."

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
Where does it say NOt to collect candy?

I dont care about the pagans... didnt they coem up with the Idea for Taxes? does that mean I shouldnt pay taxes?

I dont think Pagans dressed as batman with their little brothers to collect candy....
Yoda celebrates haloween... And im not doing anythin that resembles the dark side by collecting candy.. sure I have thoughts from the dark side and temptations as does any 'jedi' but I resist and repent and am forgiven. IF haloween was evil then god would have told me by now.
I was joking DV.

And Yoda is the man when he speaks I listen.
Pagans didn't dress up as batman, because we've taken their holiday and twisted it to suit us.

site on origin of hallowen
Origin of Halloween
There is no "proper" way since Halloween is a bastardization of concepts.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I dont think Pagans dressed as batman with their little brothers to collect candy....

Don't be silly, batman wasn't created yet. Pagans DID dress up and they DID collect treats. Just like you will do, following pagan traditions on a pagan holiday.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]IF haloween was evil then god would have told me by now.

Maybe you're just not listening, because it's right there in the Bible. Haven't I already given you the verses you need?

But...don't just take my word for it:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The Rev. Terry Long of Calvary Chapel in Salt Lake City, UT. He responded: "Exodus 22:18 reads, 'You shall not permit a sorceress to live.' It sounds to me like God is serious about this issue...To have our kids dress up as witches or the devil, if we have paper ghosts in our windows or have tombstones in our yards or attend haunted houses, are we not imitating evil, even glorifying it?" His church will offer its seventh annual Hallelujah Party on Halloween. "There will be games for the kids and it will be a time of Christ-centered fun."

You may also want to check your Calvary Church library for a video called "Halloween: Trick or Treat" which was written in conjunction with the founder of your church, Chuck Smith.
Dress up as withes or a devil.. well first of all witches look just like naybody else.. and the Devil looks just like us... we look just like Satan every day....

Funny tombstones do not glorify evil.... neither do things wearing bed sheets going boo...

I dont want chuck smith's opinoin or whatever...
Byblos...if you won't listen to what the founder of your own church that you cling to so dearly says, who are you going to listen to? I would suggest that you consider the possibility that you do not know everything.
OI dont know everything and neither does chuck smith who I never listened to, heard from or have ever seen...

The spirit knows all and thats all i listen to.
If you only listen to the spirit, then why go to church? Joe Focht pastors HIS interpretation of the spirit as does Chuck Smith.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 24 2004,1:03)]OI dont know everything and neither does chuck smith who I never listened to, heard from or have ever seen...

The spirit knows all and thats all i listen to.
Maybe you should actually do some research and find out who he is since you go to the church that was founded by him.

ESPECIALLY since he claimed the rapture was supposed to happen in 1981.
Back on topic pls

Trust me. The majority of Americans do not celebrate Samhain in the way it is supposed to according to the holiday.
Of course they don't. And THAT is the point.

How many people celebrate the Winter Solstice the way it was originally celebrated? Today, due to efforts of the Christian Church, we have Christmas.

Ishtar is no longer celebrated as it was intended, again, due to the Christian Church. It is now known as Easter.

See where I'm going here?

The early Christian Church had ONE gain as many followers as possible. By masking pagan traditions into pseudo-Christian ones, they did just that. And it seems to have worked to this very day.
Paganism is a religion. For some it is based on the balance of a God and Goddess and for others it is simply worship of the earth and sky and the strength that we have inside ourselves.