You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

you know you play GW too much when you have the pre-searing music stuck in your head, and you havent been in pre for months
You know you've played too much Guild Wars when you start equating real life events to quests/runs/quests that you have in game.
Awww, it's alright, I've started in a small way started doing a small portion of the male warrior dance and I've hardly played this past 4 months.
When you do the age command and are no longer surprised by the number in the thousands.

When you remember back when you beta tested the game and remember skill signets (iirc, its been a looooong time), apparently they were a way to "try out" a skill for awhile but then they dropped em.

When you finally figure out that GW is boring and you decide to stop playing MMOs all together.
.....i do the ele dance in public. :( /pout again. (i have played GW for 22 months)
Ah, yes. I've been officially been playing for about a year (well, this most recent semester even less so due to school internet not allowing me to) even though I've had the game for practically 2 years (2 years by next month I think).
Is it bad if I have studied both the female rit and female ele dance, to pick them apart? :) Since BOTH are ripped off from Middle Eastern dance.

But the ele dance gets it wrong...And human bodies can't do that sideways thing the female rit does.