wotlk spec

btw whats your thoughts of using AOTB for lvlin now? im thinkin cause it will increase your pets aggro holdin and that way huntards cant track you and beat me up
Lol, I keep forgetting your on a pvp server. After seeing the new content and the fights over some of the quest targets I could imagine it being a nightmare at times getting a quest done on a pvp server. The AotB idea is definately viable, probably the best way would use something like Omen to measure your pets threat generation with and without it. Also hit 71 and get Killshot, it shuld be very helpful in pvp (5407 crit off it so far).
I specced blood for leveling...

can you link your build? i have no idea at all how to spec my DK.
i hear alot of people are going unholy for the PvP aspect of it, but i'm stoopid with speccing stuff unless its a hunter. then i can kinda get away with pretending i know what i'm talking about..
haha same masta i was like wait there isnt something other then bm/mm/surv? WHAT
yeah well i was playing aroudn doing the most amazing quest line ever... and i had all but my bow broken pretty much gear wise and i got to this part were you help teh king take over undercity... i was getting 7k kill shot non crits haha
haha same masta i was like wait there isnt something other then bm/mm/surv? WHAT
yeah well i was playing aroudn doing the most amazing quest line ever... and i had all but my bow broken pretty much gear wise and i got to this part were you help teh king take over undercity... i was getting 7k kill shot non crits haha

nice. my kill shot record is 6.9k in the "BM" instance in dalaran

it was epic.
o yeah that instance is fun cause you just use your gorilla and it beasts all the adds... and you get an AMAZING shotgun that i have now.. love it