wotlk spec

bleh, IMO the best thing about MM is multi shot cuz you have 6(ish) talents going to improving that talent. and in both builds you posted they skipped out on barrage and imp barrage alltogether. looking at it again i think i'm gonna ditch imp hunters mark(unless i'm the only hunter in redeemed that has it, then i'll keep it for the better of the raid) and put those three points to better use.

here is my spec now before changing the imp hunters mark.
Mastablasta's Talent Tree

Blizz kinda killed us giving us this huge talent tree and not extra points to use it with :-\ but hey, gotta do what you gotta do.
well going through kara yesterday and h MGT i was AMAZED by the amount of dps im doing... at average i was doing between 1000-1200 dps without full raid buffs/pots/food. That just simplied amazed me from my old 700-900 dps.
the one thing i did love is i rarely if ever went oom. in all the boss fights we did curator/illhoof/shade/prince i didnt even need to switch over to viper.. i love the changes so far
btw masta i like the build overall for mm but efficiency in my opinion would me more beneficial then something like hawk eye. Since (im not sure if its in live or just beta) but we are getting our ranged increased as is. Since range wouldn't be as much of an issue and since MM is a mana hog efficiency is a huge help
idk, 5 points for 10% seems like a waste.. the way viper is now you can get mana back so fast.. i really wanna raid with it to know for sure, i'm just solo playin so i dont really know anything about it yet.
yeah thats a good point but the amount of dps lost from using viper just gives me a headache. up to you though. let me know how your testing goes with it though please
One of the things I like about Surv is never having to go into Viper. We did a ZA run the other night and never went into Viper once. Hunting Party also kept our healers going on one fight when they were going oom and couldnt drink cause of potion sickness (yes its in).
dragon who is your main toon?
i'm looking at dragonhawke on the armory n your still 10/51 speced, not survival..
This is my armory link though it is obviously behind http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Thunderhorn&n=Dragonhawke. ATM it is showing me as MM which I ran some trials on with the target dummies in IF. If it doesn't update by the time you look at it this is my current Surv spec http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=cZ0eMZe00iocIhxuhhsu.

I am going to be leveling a third hunter while I wait for WotLK that one will wind up as my MM hunter I think. I managed to get 1 toon from 60-70 and 3 others from around anywhere between 1-20 up to 70 during BC. So I figure it won't take that long to get 4 70s and 1 lowbee stray up to 80 during WotLK. As you may have guessed I love the class. I have researched the heck out of it since I have always been one to try and find optimal builds for whatever toon I am playing.

A) kara is super nerfed!
B) raiding as a MM hunter is AWESOME!

i was holding anywhere from 1200 to 1300 dps
and sometimes 1600dps on a single mob pull.

i was running with 3300ap and 40% crit. it was AMAZING!
that and i was running with a shadow priest in the group so i was getting all the mana back in the world!

i did 40% of the damage on prince, followed by shadowbill who did 18ish.


on one of the AOE pulls coming up to illhoof i did 6k dps with a trap and volley.
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All the specs are pretty awsome. We ran ZA last night with both a ret paly and me and between the 2 of us kept the raid above 40% the entire night. Atm both MM and BM are outdpsing Surv, but not by alot. TSA going raid wide is really sweet and will push me into the 3500s on RAP. I finally have a addon that allows me to spot L&L much easier (khuntertimers) so I will probably respec my guy again and put 3 points in MT. Raid buffed BM pets (think Devilsaurs) are turning out amazing dps. Our BM hunter is one of the few who can outdps me (hes also tier 6 while Im at tier 5 which helps alot). None of our regular raiding hunters have gone MM but I am really hoping one of them does.

The biggest adjustment we have to make raid wise with me in the raid is making sure we keep the cc away from whatever we are dpsing. About 40% of my dps is automatically AoE (ES) so if the cc is too close its definately no longer cced.

When we ran Kara a few nights ago (it locked up right before Prince) it was beyond pathetically easy. Truefully it felt like I was running the old ZG raid at 70 it was so easy. On Oz, Toto never even spawned we killed Dorthy so fast. Illhoof only got off 2 sacrifices (last one at 1% health) an Shade was dead by the time he hit 66% mana. I am so glad MD is now on a 30 sec timer cause we were getting Nightbane to the air phase in just about that amount of time. Its funny that Chess is now the longest fight in Kara.
Thankfully i have friends that can make the old +hit scope from MC. It really annoyed me when Blizzard moved the +hit from my spec with a month left in raiding. Once WotLK hits the +hit wont matter while we are leveling, and we will be regearing up all over again so we would be able to compensate at that point. Most Surv hunters though were geared around the need for a 95 hit rating not a 142 hit rating. It was pretty unfair to expect them to suddenly scramble to find another 3% hit in a weeks time.
haha yeah i agree
honestly after doing mh i am LOVING the new volley... all you do is spam it and your averaging anywhere from 1300-1600 dps. on the first boss i think i was doing 1650 or something like that as a normal shot rotation... it was amazing. i think its not just Bm is best cut and dry anymore but we all actually have our benefits and are close to each other in dps.
wotlk will be interesting to see how everything goes
i think its not just Bm is best cut and dry anymore

i disagree with them being that way in the first place.
BM was the easiest way to DPS if you did not have that great of gear.

MM/Surv is VERY gear dependent. as MM you really should have near or around 2500ap self buffed for it to be worth while because you cannot get shots out as quick as BM, so you had to have more power to your shots to make up for it.

annddd survival i know absolutly nothing about sept the fact you need TONS and TONS of agility.

from what i have raid and seen personally from doing tests with bax in things like za and kara we pretty much showed that BM was better straight dps. on certain fights MM was better like the bird bosses and such but because of the faster rotation of 1:1 and the added damage from the pet really does make the difference. If you look at the higher raiding guilds thy have like 6 bm hunters 2 mm and 1 surv. its because they all have their advantages but Bm was before the patch the better spec for most encounters

now that clipping auto shot is out of the question and the other changes the playing field was leveled out and im really interested in raidin some more
Numerous tests from lvl 80 raiding guilds have both MM and BM doing essentially the same dps. MM should beat BM now because if you go after the 51 pt talent (and it is pets like Devilsaurs and Spirit Beasts taht are topping pet dps charts) then you wont be able to get at GftT till Wrath hits and you can level again. Without GftT pets can get a bit focus starved an it will slow down the use of some of their abilities. The only spec that is falling behind right now is Surv. It has been running an average of 200 dps behind MM/BM, so assuming Blizzard was honast about wanting the all the spec comparable in dps I expect Explosive Shot to be getting a buff at some point, maybe from 8 RAP to 12 RAP.

A note is Survivals agility requirements have dropped some. Due to Lightning Reflexes (+15%) it is still important, but because Expose Weakness is no longer a raid buff it frees us up to look at more balanced gear. We now also get AP buffs from how much Stamina (+30
%) we have. Also while AotV can keep us going in mana indefinately without replenishment classes like Surv or Ret palies your healers are gonna be laughing at you the next time your crying for a heal and they are out of mana.
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I still like my survival spec. It is nice being able to look at a little wider range of gear for stuff. Yeah, my DPS was a little lower then the BM hunter, but I hardly ever have to worry about mana issues too much, and with the way I crit, I can jump into AotV for 5-7 seconds and be almost full again.
I still like my survival spec. It is nice being able to look at a little wider range of gear for stuff. Yeah, my DPS was a little lower then the BM hunter, but I hardly ever have to worry about mana issues too much, and with the way I crit, I can jump into AotV for 5-7 seconds and be almost full again.

Hehe I have almost forgotten what Viper was I use it so little, ok let me rephrase that I havent used Viper since 3.0 barring a few tests on target dummies and 1 mana burn on the Moross fight in Kara (the rogue was a bit slow on the kick). Been through all of ZA and sat in Hawk the entire time and loved it.
Meh, only time I have really used it was on Kaz in MH last night, and mainly because he hates mana users with a passion. Otherwise, I am good for any fights I have been in.