What class will you play?

Jedi code does not allow for love or passion. (at least in the game lore for this time frame)

Therefore, if you desire love or any emotion for that matter one should look to the Sith Lords.

From what I have read to this point, I am more in line with the Sith than the Jedi.

When you start being able to float stuff around with your mind, then you will be a little more in line.

Of course you could try and say...oh...role play in one of these silly little role playing games. That way you don't need to worry about "lining up". MMmmm, fun, these games are.

You do realize it's like a game an junk, right Icthus? You're not really gonna become a Jedi for real.
Icthus is like a method actor/gamer, when he plays a game he really lives the part. He gets the outfits on, changes the office lighting for the specific instance, makes his family refer to him by IGN only, and paints his keyboard to match his outfits.

and if you believe that, you really don't know Icthus.
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They need to have the option to turn to the dark side as a jedi. You should have to start as a jedi then fight off the dark side or join it. I would so be about that...
Yes, it would. Have you ever played KOTOR and gone dark side? You may have planned to go dark from the beginning, but it was still awesome when the moment came where you officially made the switch.
Yes, it would. Have you ever played KOTOR and gone dark side? You may have planned to go dark from the beginning, but it was still awesome when the moment came where you officially made the switch.

I don't think so. I'm with Icthus on this one. In an rpg you assume the characters roll. In KOTOR, I played my dude as either light or dark and made the appropriate selections.

The only way it would be compelling is if there were no way to determine which way honest choices would lead.
I don't think so. I'm with Icthus on this one. In an rpg you assume the characters roll. In KOTOR, I played my dude as either light or dark and made the appropriate selections.

The only way it would be compelling is if there were no way to determine which way honest choices would lead.

Perhaps it wasn't compelling (ie. forceful. You weren't forced to go dark side.), but I still thought it was cool. In KOTOR, even if you picked dark side options from the beginning, there was still one point where you officially stopped being a pawn of the Jedi and began following the path of true power. If you decided to go light at that point, you experienced the light side ending regardless if your previous choices. In addition, if you went dark at that point then your character acted subtly different. I loved the way the character stands with his arms crossed and gives his apprentice an instruction right under the nose of a Jedi Master. (Note: I was intentionally vague just in case someone here has yet to play through KOTOR)

Bottom line: I think a turn to the dark side can be done in a cool way even if it was your plan from the beginning.
Angst is when you kill all the Trade Federation officials, blame your mentor for it, accuse him of cheating with your wife, and start seeing everything in red.

Sounds like angst is on the path to the dark side.
Wow 4 each side... is there somewhere that shows character development to show the ability to have different focuses on each class?
From what I have gathered so far, you will be able to customize each character in at least two ways. One of those ways is through a talent tree type system.


That link is the most solid info I've seen on that subject thus far. Looks like there will be at least two major talent trees for each class, and I've seen speculation that there could also be minor trees inside each of the major ones.

The other way for customization will be character alignment type choices (light side/dark side). From what I understand, some specific abilities will be available according to your character's alignment. I have found several references where people mention that, but I forget where it was mentioned by Bioware.


That link makes some pretty sensible conclusions from the information that has been confirmed thus far and seems to suggest that there could actually be many different paths to follow for each individual class. It does have a lot of speculation, though.

In addition to the skill trees and alignment differences, we also know that you will have the option of using companion characters in TOR (much like you could in KOTOR, but only one at a time in TOR). These characters will also react differently to you according to your alignment, though we don't know how much impact that will have on the game yet.

Bottom line: Yes, there are only four classes per side, but it looks like there are going to be quite a few ways to customize each class. That should allow for quite a few different play options.
Well since I played as a counslor in KOTOR I will problay be a sith inquitor as a main.(force choke...I win) I did find it weird that they classed Darth Maul as a Inquisitor instead of a warrior. I also love double sided light sabers but I thought that would fit warriors better.
In some ways I also found that strange, but it does make some sense when you consider that the Sith warriors are supposed to have armor. Maul definitely didn't wear armor.

Oh, and I believe force choke is going to be a warrior ability, though the inquisitor may have something similar.