[Weekly - W] Now Playing

Still some WC3 and some GW.

I'm still a solid Silver in Overwatch but trying to be careful with my time on it. The best time to do HOTS and OW competitive is like 6am-10am PST, before all the kids and boring people get off work.

But that is my best time to get work done before HeavyArms wakes up from his morning nap so its definitely a struggle.
Still Puzzle & Dragons. Some of the most popular English-language third-party resources for PAD are no longer actively being updated (at least, for now) and anecdotal evidence suggests there's an exodus of the NA player base to other games.

Sporadically playing through demos on my 3DS to clear storage space. Finished the Etrian Odyssey IV demo and reaffirmed my decision to pass on the series. I understand the appeal of a tough-as-nails first-person roguelike dungeon crawler, but the days when I had the time and patience for a game like that have long, long since passed. Played through the first stage of the Fractured Soul demo and, while I recognize it's a well-crafted game, I don't think it's something I would enjoy. I've enjoyed "plane-shifting" games before, but only when they're on one screen (i.e. Giana Sisters).

I fired up Minecraft to check out the Tribe of Judah MC server recently. I didn't play more than a few minutes, but only because there was no one else on the server at the time. I'm hoping there's still interest and folks will start playing on the server again, but I recognize there are a lot of games (SO MANY GAMES) vying for people's attention these days and it can be hard to commit to just one or two (unless you're @CowRocket and the game is EVE).
I suppose that means we know what game you're playing. ;)

Another week, same games. Playing matches in my mobile deckbuilders, Ascension and Star Realms. Working on sucking less in Dragon Ball FighterZ and playing through the offline game modes. Finally got my full set of Anjanath gear in Monster Hunter: World. Now things can get even more serious.

I think that's been it. :P
I finished Subnautica. Still has some minor glitches here and there (but what game doesn't).

Instead of heading back to Fallout 4 I opted to play through Just Cause 3 again. It is a lot smoother with 16gb of ram rather than my 8gb on my first play-through.

I also sprinkled some Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and War Thunder in there for good measure. But I have to keep the multiplayer time down to avoid my rage.
Instead of heading back to Fallout 4 I opted to play through Just Cause 3 again. It is a lot smoother with 16gb of ram rather than my 8gb on my first play-through.
<3 for JC3

Did you pick up the DLC? The new missions and, more importantly, the vehicles and weapons are a blast. I have fond memories of my older daughter sitting on my lap while I drove a mech. She has my dark sense of humor, so she was giggling loudly while I hurled enemy soldiers over the cliffside. (Don't worry; there was no blood. They were effectively rag dolls.)
I do have the DLC. The jet pack makes traversing territory almost too easy, but is still fun. I loved assaulting the airship. Made me feel like a futuristic version of the rocketeer (great movie that not too many people seem to know about). The mech was fun as well, but seemed less epic to me. The boat was kinda meh for me. I tend to avoid the boats and opt for flying most of the time anyway.

My sons enjoyed watching me inflate people's heads and then attaching them to cars and driving around with them like a bundle of balloons (that sounds somewhat dark as I'm typing it - but it really wasn't. . .was it?). The rocket mines give lots of joy as well.
hit level 80 in my latest GW toon. Meaning, i might buy heart of thorns soon too.

played some HOTs, some arcade OW.

having a hard time though with some life stuff so i' am trying not to use games as a crutch and spend time with God but its been weird.
I do have the DLC. The jet pack makes traversing territory almost too easy, but is still fun. I loved assaulting the airship. Made me feel like a futuristic version of the rocketeer (great movie that not too many people seem to know about). The mech was fun as well, but seemed less epic to me. The boat was kinda meh for me. I tend to avoid the boats and opt for flying most of the time anyway.
I felt the same way about boats in general in JC3, so the boat was the weakest part of the DLC for me.

I've seen the Rocketeer and agree that the airship missions were fun, but the mech portion of the DLC was still my favorite. So much fun.

My sons enjoyed watching me inflate people's heads and then attaching them to cars and driving around with them like a bundle of balloons
Wait, how do you inflate people's heads in JC3?

/me prepares to take notes
Battlefront II - Played over the weekend and decided that it frustrated me too much to continue playing. . .such a shame since the mechanics are great. The balancing in the game is terrible.

Switched to War Thunder for a bit. And played some Fortnite Battle Royale (single and duo with my brother).

Wait, how do you inflate people's heads in JC3?

/me prepares to take notes
From HERE:

This isn't a 'Mode' so much as it's a gun that Rico can grab. Instead of damaging enemies, you'll transform their craniums -- ballooning up to massive size.

  • 1. Travel to the village of Vico Platessa in Trio, in the Insula Dracon region.
  • 2. Go to these coordinates: N 40 42.604 E 5 35.097
  • 3. On top of the grey stone brick ruins, in a corner with vines and the cliff wall, you'll find a single pistol.
  • 4. The pistol has a strange balloon-like symbol. Grab it! Picking it up transforms Rico's head, and every enemy or civilian you shoot will also get a huge head.
The more you shoot, the bigger your target's head will get. Don't worry, you can't actually kill anyone with the Big Head Gun! You can shoot all the civilians you want for fun without turning into a crazed killer.

For whatever reason, the pistol's ammo count is permanently set to 16 shots -- but you'll have infinite ammo. There's no need to get more ammo.

To make them float you have to hook a grapple onto them and retract it at least a little, otherwise they continue walking around on the ground.
Mostly been on... uh... what have I played this last week? We had a heck of a weekend (well, a Thursday-Monday) with some pressing family stuff, so gaming was a bit different. I know my wife and I played a little Diablo 3 on PS4. We haven't had much opportunity to play since Red Five was born, and we've yet to finish story on it (we sunk a lot of time into the game on PC/Mac prior to that, so we also weren't as driven as we once were). Almost done, though.
I think Adria is one of the only revenge-kills in gaming that has ever felt satisfying and makes me go, "You deserve this!" Most other revenge-kills are of "it had to happen" nature. This one is much more, "You get no further chances; you sold your soul to the devil."

Aside from that, I dabbled in fighting games a little. Oh! That's what I've played! I grinded out the pretty awesome story of Injustice 2. The Injustice games and comics are better-than-average franchise civil war stories. This one was no different.
And the game actually got me to choose to side with Batman--whom I typically hate--out of moral necessity even though I don't like him and am sympathetic not only to Superman's character but also his ambitions in the series.

Looking forward to more fighting games this week. It seems that I may think I'm out of the FGC (fighting game community), but the FGC may not ever be out of me.
The more you shoot, the bigger your target's head will get. Don't worry, you can't actually kill anyone with the Big Head Gun! You can shoot all the civilians you want for fun without turning into a crazed killer.

For whatever reason, the pistol's ammo count is permanently set to 16 shots -- but you'll have infinite ammo. There's no need to get more ammo.

To make them float you have to hook a grapple onto them and retract it at least a little, otherwise they continue walking around on the ground.
I need picts of this
Aside from that, I dabbled in fighting games a little. Oh! That's what I've played! I grinded out the pretty awesome story of Injustice 2. The Injustice games and comics are better-than-average franchise civil war stories. This one was no different.
And the game actually got me to choose to side with Batman--whom I typically hate--out of moral necessity even though I don't like him and am sympathetic not only to Superman's character but also his ambitions in the series.

You should read the 1996 four issue Kingdom Come mini series. One of the very few comics that got enough right for me to actually recommend it.
From HERE:

This isn't a 'Mode' so much as it's a gun that Rico can grab. Instead of damaging enemies, you'll transform their craniums -- ballooning up to massive size.

  • 1. Travel to the village of Vico Platessa in Trio, in the Insula Dracon region.
  • 2. Go to these coordinates: N 40 42.604 E 5 35.097
  • 3. On top of the grey stone brick ruins, in a corner with vines and the cliff wall, you'll find a single pistol.
  • 4. The pistol has a strange balloon-like symbol. Grab it! Picking it up transforms Rico's head, and every enemy or civilian you shoot will also get a huge head.
The more you shoot, the bigger your target's head will get. Don't worry, you can't actually kill anyone with the Big Head Gun! You can shoot all the civilians you want for fun without turning into a crazed killer.

For whatever reason, the pistol's ammo count is permanently set to 16 shots -- but you'll have infinite ammo. There's no need to get more ammo.

To make them float you have to hook a grapple onto them and retract it at least a little, otherwise they continue walking around on the ground.
This is fantastic and I can't wait to try it out (though I probably will because tonight is TF2sday). I'm grinning just imagining the possibilities.
Kinda all over the place. Mostly dabbling this week. Started up on Elder Scrolls Online again. Morrowind changes the intro quest, and it's awesome on its own. Somehow, it seems like they've given a new launching point when starting new toons. I assume the original release's content is all there, but it seems like a separate story to engage in at the moment. Granted, I didn't play a ton last night this side of the Morrowind expansion. I could just be assuming things that aren't actually the case. Not sure. Whatever the case, it's lovely walking into the Census and Excise Office of Seyda Neen in modern gaming technology. :D
Mixed bag of gaming this last week. Mostly dabbling. Getting occasional turns in in my asynchronous mobile games, but not playing any of the games seriously. Just (barely) keeping up with the people I'm playing with.

Elder Scrolls Online has been my biggest game. Been playing Morrowind content, and it's the most I've enjoyed an Elder Scrolls game since... probably Morrowind.

Also got Phantasy Star Online 2 on my Vita. No English patch for Vita, though, so I haven't played a ton because I lack the combination of time and energy to relearn menus/systems and freshen up on katakana.

And finally starting on the Zelda Oracle games. Hooboy. Getting old school Zelda on feels good.