@Kendrik I'm sorry to hear that you lost your grandfather and I'll be praying for your family as they work through their grief. Specifically, I'll be praying that his passing will draw them closer to the Lord rather than see them drift away or even turn violently away from Him. Loss has a way of clarifying many things in our lives, sometimes to our ultimate benefit and sometimes to our detriment.
We--my wife and I--also signed paperwork for life insurance now that we have a kiddo approximately a month out from due date.
Also, good on you and your wife for taking the time to get life insurance.
@Ember and I have been meaning to the same for months, if not years, but life with two kids is so jam-packed right now that it doesn't leave much time to properly research a major decision like life insurance and there's so much static out there it's likely to take a big chunk of time to choose a company and decide exactly which options are right for us.
I admit my post feels trivial in the wake of your loss, but I'm trying to get in to the discipline (though I do enjoy it!) of posting every week in our weekly threads.
Work this week was nice and quiet, giving me an opportunity to get caught up and even help another team member who's helped me out several times in the past year. Feels good, man. (And it doesn't hurt that I got to log ~75 miles on my mileage expense report and get some great windshield time in the process.

This week, my older daughter had an ear infection (she's still working through the antibiotics, but never suffered except waking up one night around 2 a.m. with ear pain; she's been 100% ever since) and my younger daughter had/has an upper respiratory infection. Tonight, the little had an on-again, off-again fever. She'd be crying, clingy, and sleepy one minute (and even fell asleep in my arms late this morning) and then running laps around the living room later on then back to punky a while after that. Poor kid. She passed out early tonight and I can't help but suspect that we're going to suffer for it later. Such is life with two young children in December. They're adorable, they're so sweet, but they're also vectors for every disease their classmates bring to school.
Aaand she just woke up. Gotta go.