We pass through Tri-Cities any time we go from Spokane area to Portland area to see family. Welcome to the PNW.
It's no longer F/Sa, but my F/Sa was a bit ridiculous this week.
Ours weekend started with a trip down gravel roads an hour and a half away to the in-laws' on Friday. A short while after getting there, my wife ("Fulcrum") went to get into their pool, stepped into an uncovered filter hole (about a foot in diameter and two feet deep--I'm still upset they didn't have the stupid thing covered, one year old "Red Five" could have easily stepped in it too), and thought she broke her leg. We went in our first ambulance ride to the ER, half an hour or more away. Between baby fears and the reality that I couldn't get her into our car in her then state, it was the better move than not going. No break in leg or arm (though both still hurt and are mostly unusable for the moment), no concussion, and unborn son (32 weeks along, "Spectre-6") is just fine. She caught herself enough to protect him.
Back to their place, got her to sorta sleep for the night. Then we still went, with aid of wheel chair, to their tiny town's parade and Farm Fest. It was pretty much terrible. Across the board. Back to their farm, Red Fivetook a nap, then we came back. I had to drive back on all them gravel roads, which is fine by me except Fulcrum is much better at driving than passenger-ing, so she does most of it. She's a stressful passenger no matter what I do. Haha
Finally home. Fulcrum declared the unfortunate practicality that while she's injured as such, I'm functioning as a single parent. Not really true, of course, but hooboy. The impact is real and has been felt, especially at Walmart yesterday. (Then, today, had to go back to Walmart for a couple things that didn't make the list... then to pick up checks for upcoming farmer's markets from WIC.)
Icing on the cake this morning: I miscalculated when transferring from savings in anticipation of this weekend (due to Things and Circumstance, my pay timeline got messed up since I'm a contractor and no one was there to push the "transfer money" button), much less prepared for surprises and corresponding surprise expenses, and woke up to an email about being $11 overdrawn. First time in years, and we're fine, but I hate that because I try to be really good with money to keep a clean financial track record. Haha
One bright side from the weekend: My brother in law, a near-pro golfer (wins money in area tournaments; should be able to get into the senior open when he hits age requirement), sent a full set of Darn Nice Clubs up with his wife when she came to the farm for this event. Made a tasty little drink and finally got to swing them a bit in the yard with some wiffle balls last night. They feel real nice. Can't wait to go put them to use once Fulcrum is recovered enough for me to be able to leave Red Five with her after putting him to bed. (Because of arm and leg, she couldn't get him out of bed right now without further strain and worsening her injury should he wake up badly while I'd be gone.)
So, that's a weekend! Just got Red Five down for nap so I can try to cram some work hours in. Thank God for the ability to work from home and when I want, especially when something like this happens.