Toj Ages of Empires chapter
• Microsoft Age of Mythology
• Microsoft Age of Mythology: Gold Edition
• Microsoft Age of Mythology: The Titans

AoE 2 requirements are extremely lower than a Pentium 2, 128 MB Ram......but it is the same game...could have same issues as to its relative.;en-us;242904

• Improving Multiplayer Performance
• Reduce your Internet latency
• Reduce the number of players in the game
• Quit all nonessential programs before you start the game
• Use the fastest computer to host the game
• Do not use computer players in an Internet game
• Recommendations for eight player games
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So which game does most guys play, I'm thinking about getting age of mythology because it looks cool, but I want to play empires too.
We have quite a few people interested in AoM and AoE. We will most likely be playing AoE2 the most. AoM will be scheduled also here and there. First I gotta fix this crashing thing, then we can really set up a schedule when and what games.

I suggest to get Ages of empires 2
I'll get both, I took all my holiday pay out last week since I'm going to be taking some time off work and I plan on blowing it all on games and dvds.
I figure I'll go mad if I'm stuck at home for 4 weeks with no games to play.