To B or not to B?

I think if you all are interested in this that bad you need to first have a meeting to get all the names and jobs worked out... might I suggest first meeting in IRC or making a new channel for the meeting to work the details then having you pratice.
it's talked about in the new members section on the website... if you are new to it the easiest way to do it is to use trillian and logon to (you might have to create this as a server name) and then log on to our channel #toj or make a new one like #toj-bteam or whatever.
with trillion u can have irc chat, aim, msn msnger, yahoo, and 1 other 3rd party msnger service all on one program.
Its aim, yahoo, icq, irc, and msn....the plus is that its all in one program and in one screen, so you don't have to have AIM, Y! messenger, and all that stuff running!

ps - i'd be interested in playing if needed, but time is an issue....

I finaly got this bloody forum working, and letting me log in, and now i will post.


I would like to be on the B-Team. I have buckets of time, i wish to improve my gaming and I feel I could really help out.
quick question instead of being a b-team could we be called S-team??
ok if u have irc then we need an official B-team (and/or S-team) channel