To B or not to B?

hmm first off i think we need to elect a B team leader and let him organize it or somethin, maybe with that we can move forward with these plans
Any nominations? I personally think that the leader should know the rules of competitive CS so that's something I think we need to consider when selecting a leader.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ Mar. 23 2004,4:58)]Its a joke sir, we haven't prac/talked in awhile about anything =\
Thats so right isnt it dead_aim, I mean... these people are putting us to shame
The leader would need admin if you are to scrim and practice on one of the toj servers. that isnt to say become the leader and you get admin... mayeb the leader should be a current admin.
Considering there was no communication what-so-ever between hardly any of the A team members, it's kinda hard to pract/scrim with 5. Anyways, like 3-4 members have already joined up with different competing clans, including Dead_Aim, so I don't know why he's making a fuss about it
maybe the a team should be sorted out before the b team is even though about..

man are you getting deja-vu aswell....:laugh:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]maybe the a team should be sorted out before the b team is even though about

I completely and absolutely DISAGREE!!!  Rizz, what?  What is it, man?  What do you have against a second team?  Speak freely, we're brothers in Christ.  You act like you're mad or bitter or something.  Just because the A team doesn't have there act together (please don't be offended, guys), why should another group of guys that would love to play competitively be penalized and not get to be on a team and play in Cal-O next season.  I have been talking to a few guys just this week and already have 5 guys that are committed and want to play Cal-O next season.  So, Rizz, what do you want?  Do you want more people to join other clans like so many have had to do, NO SIR, in the few weeks I've been a tojer I've grown to love this group of great christians, and I would be darn proud to wear this tag next to my name and compete in whatever I do.  And all the people said, "AMEN!".  

Rizz, I love you, brother, but you have upset me with all the negativety and skepticism since the beginning of these posts.  I just would appreciate a little more encouragement, that's all.  
im sorry if its come across as that. theres information im not at liberty to say regarding the current a team and its status. All im saying is ...if there is to be a b team it needs to be done properly. Im trying to save others from the crap i had to take on a daily basis when i ran the old B team.

Needless to say, if you have a team set up i wouldnt mind helping out with it.
eh, i remember when we first had the teams.. the A team was kinda commited and the b team wasnt so much so.. but yeah.. doesnt sound like the a team's doing too good right now.. but we'll see what happens
Awesome!! Thank you! See, I knew you we're holding out!
I would love for you to help!! It will take the "backing" of the leaders for this to work, you being a big one. Like I've said before, I've never been on a team, so I am uber commited to seeing this work!
Rizz, you say if there's to be a b team, it needs to be done properly. How would we go about doing this "properly?"
good point, im fairly new to all this and dont quiet understand the logistics of it all, heck i just got done reading the rules for the cal leagues.
ok in brief...

1. setup a yahoo group for emailing members on quick notice
2. create messenger ids for the group
3. organise practices on a regular bassis.
4. on practice have the ability to lock server and exec cal.cfg
5. be able to use the server for matches.
6. have dedicated webspace or forums where u can post tactics and match info.

thats about all i can remember in one go... some of this can be doen for you.. some of this is way beyond your reach (i.e. rcon). i would say that once you have a group of people who are committed signed up... let me know and i will give you a hand setting it up. but there still remains the server problem.
I would be willing to help out in the evenings when practices and matches need the server locked down. I would need fare warning though like 24-48 hours in advance through email. Trying to instant message me five minutes before the match/practice will be a problem.

Once there is a schedule, I can let the leader know if I will be available to handle rcon issues. If there is a conflict, the leader can then seek out another member with rcon access or reschedule.

Scrims are a little tougher. If I am around to instant message, please feel free to try and get a hold of me. But, to be fair to our members that play on our server on a regular basis. I will only lock down the server if an adaequate number of players are available. 5vs5 or 5vs4 would be the minimum.
If possible, I'd think it'd be good if we get get in at practice or something this week. I think that'd be a respectful first goal.