The person below me...

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I'll bring back lots of pictures.. should be fun for us!

The person below me is doing something fun this weekend.
False-I'm adventerous, but not that adventerous

The person below me is expecting God to do amazing things in their life :D
True! But if there's nothing absolutely amazing about my life....that's ok too. =)

The person below me loves sushi. ^_^
False...*retch*...I'm, um, not a real fan of sushi...

And Meli, I guarantee that there's already LOTS of absolutely amazing about your life! Don't look for it in the big things, find it first in the small things, then you'll be better at seeing it in the big things. (OK, that was my 'Confucious says...' moment for the day. :p )

The person below me drives a motorcycle.
True!! er... false.

The person below me had soup tonight. (Hope it was better than mine lol)
False. Even though I'm a poor dancer, I'm so good looking that the girls flock to me anyway :p

The person below me likes to drive their vehicle while pretending to pilot a spacecraft.
Thats a definate false though, I pilot it as if it could go fast.

The person below me wears a toboggin all the time.
False, not sure why I would wear a sled on my head...I guess to say I have "sled head" once in awhile. I do wear a toque on occasion.

The person below me has plucked a chicken.
False. I think.

And toboggan is a term that is used for a stocking cap in the southeast U.S. I found that out when I asked for one in Reno.

The person below me has eaten a live goldfish on a dare.
False ...But ive kissed a few frogs.

The person below me has been in a contest showing how they can curl their tongue.
Umm....false? I've asked people if they could roll their tongues because I was interested when I found out it was a genetic trait. I was a science dork at one point in my life. =P

The person below me wants to take a road trip around the US this summer. =)
FALSE. I want to take road or plane trip to visit my WOW family!

The person below me likes to experiment in the kitchen practicing the dark culinary arts......
Uh....tralse? I like experimenting with the culinary arts at times.

And the road trip we discussed WAS to go see our WoW friends. =P

The person below me gets excited about planning activities, such as going roller skating, with their friends.
False. I have to go to school today....not work. =P

The person below me will not be playing WoW today (12/5) until at the latest....midnight tonight. X_x

The person below me will be entirely respeccing their character soon.
False, I just respecced, assination FTW!

the person below me isn't going to spend any honor untill they can get the grand marshel weapon of their choice
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