The person below me part two....

False. I've known about the Kindle 2.0 for awhile (thank you!). Not worth it IMO but whatever floats your boat.

The person below me worked 2 hours longer than they had planned on yesterday and is trying to figure out where/when to take those hours out in the next 4 business days (including today) since they don't get paid for overtime.
Somewhat true, I do not get overtime but I am more like 4 days over not 2 hours.

The person below me is thinking about either going to Texas next week or Lake Tahoe....
True! I like going on trips...even if it is half an hour away (one of the reasons I was willing to drive half an hour away on the first day of Spring for some Rita's water ice...I think it was worth it =P).

The person below me hasn't eaten lunch yet...just been sipping a 32 oz cup of orange soda which is currently about a quarter full...(was working on an ad hoc request with manager since 11:30am....boy I'm getting a little shaky.... X_X).

I went to WENDY'S and had a FROSTY!


The person below me is content because they have eaten.
False. My apartment is in a sort of cubby hole (back of the building facing east looking at trees) so my porch doesn't get a lot of sun.

The person below me is excited for Spring to actually really begin.


We have had rain all week since tuesday nonstop! Though at least we aren't getting it as bad as ND/MN is right now =/.

The person below me lives in North Dakota or Minnesota.
False, I don't laser tag often... but when I do, my name I put down for the scorecards is always Kutluch, just to see if anyone knows me. :P

The person below me has gotten stuck in the middle of 10 little kids (as in no older than 6) during laser tag who would not leave you alone, and kept shooting you for a couple minutes till you could get through them to run away... :D
True. I remember playing with a bunch of people at this summer program I was at. I think we played 3 rounds. I was consistently the highest scoring female player and got 3rd place one round. I think we had a group of 10 or 12 people. I made it on their wall of fame lots of times. ^_^

The person below me is not surprised by what I just said.

The person below is waiting for the doctor to return her call. (Looks like we will be going back to the ER, this time visit in the middle of the day. Daughter is on her 4 day of a migraine with lots of meds already in her system.)
False, but I will be praying for you guys.

The person below just shook, rattled and rolled a little bit. Gotta love small earth quakes.