The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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True.....but not as cool of one as Deuteronomy

The person below me wants to hear the pirate story from Meli's past. <Johnny Depp and Orlando bloom were pirates so.....could be good hehe>
True, should be interesting lol.

The person below me is sad that I cannot spam from work anymore... they turned the filter back on =P.
False, I've had just about enough with the wikipedia links, young man!

The person below me actually owned a set of book encyclopedias, back before Al Gore invented this newfangled interweb thingy.

(Bonus question: they used it to look up 'Meli rides a bicycle' - It's right next to 'Curious George rides a bicycle', according to the Dewey Decimal system.) :D
True! World Book FTW!!! They got me thru grade school.

The person below me remembers using a card cataloge at the library instead of a computer. fact Tree, Jackhog, and I worked at an Ice Cream factory together...

The person below doesn't want to hear any stories about what happened no no trust me, you don't want to hear...
um.....false....I have the image of Wall being perfect...why jeopardize that.

The person below me likes going to the dentist.
False. I was up at 7am for 2 days last week with not much sleep the nights before welcoming freshmen to the dorms and talking to their parents and moving their stuff into their rooms with a happy little smile on at all times. Grr to being an almost any time of day person.

I got through childhood with books and video games. My friends lived too far away from me so I never really played with them and if I wanted to play outside, it would have to be with my brother and sister because at the time, we were pretty much the only kids our age on our block. And then there were the occasional pirates and I was a princess at some point, obviously since I am queen now. >.>

The person below me used to play with "action figures". (silly boys)
True....and I had a G. I Joe doll too.....with the scuba set hehe...flippers and face was cool....and I still have it upstairs somewhere. .My family has always been into sister has a degree in it...the other a diploma...

The person below me works in an office above the 5th story....
Falsey false goosey.

The person below actually "works" in an office with a computer in it that has WoW installed.
False...who do you think I am...

The person below me thinks that the a bunny would make a good mantel decoration
False, stuffed, fake or a live one stuck up there? hehe

The person below me feels robbed by Icthus closing the spam filter thread so it cant be spammed:( You know it would help keep it up top so everyone sees it:P
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