The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

Not open for further replies. least not downhill...not done the ski jumps....just crosscountry

The person below me doesn't like snow.
False. Only what I've seen of on the commercial.

The person below me is in a place where it is hotter inside than it is outside.
Tralse, depends on the time of day.

The person below me cares who wins the first Redeemed Fantasy Football league.
False. But yay for football starting!!!

The person below me saw a movie this weekend that they weren't thrilled with.
False. I saw Rush Hour 3 with a friend of mine on wednesday, and I thought it was pretty good.

The person below me is always amazed at the stunts that Jackie Chan performs.
True....if I knew how to ride a bike. <waits for all the "What?!?!" to stop>

The person below me can't believe I don't know how to ride a bike.
I have taught both my kids to ride so Meli would be a no brainer. However, I would need to get my hands on the hello kitty Redeemed/ToJ bike. <wonders where that photo is>.

The person below me wants to watch meli learn to ride a bike.
False... mine is long gone, however, my Grandparents have two dirt bikes... Those are FUN!

The person below me thinks she needs to learn how to ride a dirt bike. :D
True...everyone should be able to break their arms/legs sometime...

The person below me has training wheels for Meli...
True, somewhere but I am not sure we would start there. I was thinking we would start at the top of a mountian.

The person below me is helping someone with homework.
False. I know why. Hopefully to save me from all the embarassment. <aww how considerate of Icthus>

The person below me loves roller coasters.
False, well sorta, never really been on a good one

The person below me wonders how Meli made it through childhood without riding a bike, thats a right of passage and source of endless hours of enjoyment! Poor deprived child:( hehe *waits for the demotion and/or gboot*
False, Meli has a very unique and interesting background filled with stories of pirates, princesses and hidden treasures.

The person below me has never been on a treause hunt!
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