The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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false, but that was at last check

the person below me realized they're going to be a husband in 5 weeks!!!
True, and what a blessing it is to be so!

The person below me has had a WoW wedding.
False. I don't plan on getting married anytime soon, in WoW or IRL....I'm still too young. =)

The person below me did manual labor for most of today. X_x
False. I did enough of that already for 2 lifetimes. I'm a white collar boy now.

The person below me is also I white collar man. (and I don't mean a priest.)
False...I am more of a blue collar...

The person below me thinks that Nevi and I are freaks of nature for making 200 posts in about an hour...
False, I believe you are freaks of nature for entirely different reasons.

The person below me wonders what the psychological term is for an unhealthy fascination with baked goods.
True. There is always one or two posts a day that make me laugh. And now with the Nekkid Mole Rat, the ante has just been upped.

The person below me has had something weird happen to them in the past week, and will now share it with us.
Hmm....I don't think anything weird persay has happened to me. I've been helping people move into the dorms for the past few days so I am a bit tired and not all here....but when was I ever all here? =P

The person below me thinks that Wall and Nevi both need more stuff to do at work.
False. I work hard for 26 days at a time and my team usually exceeds their goals by a couple of days. Go me and my peeps!

The person below me thinks this thread pales in comparison to the spam battle...I mean, it's only on page 22...
False since this is the third edition of this thread with about 1k post in the first two.

The person below me wants a real life phat suit.
false, but you can get a picture of one from icthus.

The person below me loves nekkid moles rates as much as Icthus....
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False.....the last rat has died and the cage is more rodents for me.

The person below me is going to the airport to say goodbye to someone.
False. I will be going to the airport tomorrow though!

The person below me has had pie or cake in the last 2 days (tarts don't count!)
False, but I did have fresh strawberries, rasberries and blackberries for lunch.

The person below doesn't know who they will vote for in the coming Co-Guild Leader Election.
True. I was going to vote for CITGrad, but since his wife didn't even endorse him until I gave her a hard time about it, now I'm not sure.

The person below me lives near several ski resorts, yet has never been skiing.
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