The new get to know your guildies thread

Well, I would tithe it first of all. Then probibly use it for bills unless God tells me someone who really needs it.
wow NO-one in or group has any silly habits. I don't believe it but ok next question:

If you could have dinner with someone famous who would it be and what would you eat?

Rho would have a medium rare steak with a side of mashed parsnips and potatoes for dinner with Alexander Graham Bell.

Kel would have dinner with Anne McAffrey in Ireland. They would have fillet mignon topped with caprini goat cheese, a white wine lemon sauce and fresh basil with a side of fresh asparagus and a second side of spinach ravioli in a creamy tomato sauce a glass of lemon water and asti spumante.
hmmm... it'd be Osama, and we'd have steak laced with Iocane powder (I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder)

well, okay, it'd probably be Stephen Hawkins (with a good interpreter), or some other really smart guy, either in Computer Science or Cosmology, so I can learn "kewl stuf." and we'd have Pizza (supreme and pepperoni), Philly Cheesesteaks, steak, burgers and pie. mmmm... pie.
I'd have dinner with my wife at that revolving steakhouse in Vegas. Hard to connect and have a romantic evening once kids are involved. (Can I get an amen from the parents out there?) I mean, my wife isn't famous... yet. But I have confidence she will be someday if she wants to.
That is so sweet!! Yes couple time is hard to have with little ones running around. Thankfully we only have 1 and he is old enough to be distracted with computer games. ;)

Kel Queen of all Europe
i think i would have a steak dinner with chuck swindoll, that would be sweet.

and on the silly habit one:for random reasons i'll be like "yeaaaaaaa" in quiet higher pitched voice, annoys the crap outa my geology teacher but im on his good list so its all good ^_^
So many people it would be tough. I mean I would love to meet Rebecca St. James, Robert E Lee, George Washington, and General Patton. But in the end I chose Billy Graham. We would have "Flour Tacos" (They are like normal tacos but you put your taco mix on a rolled out Tortilla dough fold it and than fry it) With Spanish Rice and a side of Corn on the cob fresh from my local farmers. Some Vermcelli and for dersert we would go out side and eat some Rocky Ford Watermelon and just chit chat. BTW yes I can cook all that sheesh.
Okalahoma city bombing, i remember i was in the hospital getting my tounsels out and it was right after my birthday and it was on the news
I barely Remember Regean getting shot probably the oldest news event I can remember but Sept 11 would probebly be the most major event in our History that I remember lol.
I remember John F. Kennedy being shot. I was in the 5th or 6th grade. The entire school practically shut down.