The new get to know your guildies thread

My big one was the fall of communism and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall.

Kel Queen of all Europe
Ok next chance to date yourself:

What was the most memorable news event when you were growing up?

9/11. I don't recall watching or caring about the news up until then. (Hey, it was 5 years ago. I was 9! 9 year olds don't "do" the news)

Besides tester for GW what would be your dream job?
I don't know, really. To be frank, I'm not sure the pay of "alpha/beta tester" could do much, although I'm quite naive in the way of whogetswot.

Right now, all I'm concerned about is getting through polynomials, for crying out loud.
A small book store where I could read when the store was empty, have control over the books and snacks we carried, have knitting club parties, and get paid $100k a year.

Kel Queen of all Europe
To finally make it to the big time and Play Backman for the Portland Naughty Dogs. They are a Professional Paintball team. I would need at least 30k a year with all my travel and Practice expenses were paid for. Why 30k I would rather make less doing something I love than make 100k doing something I hate. And to make 30k in Paintball even as a pro is realistic barely. The Highest paid Player in the world in Oliver Lang for the Ironmen he makes 100k. I know I am not that good so I would get paid way less.
A small book store where I could read when the store was empty, have control over the books and snacks we carried, have knitting club parties, and get paid $100k a year.

Kel Queen of all Europe

100k a year for a book store?

"she's got, hiiiiiiiiigh hopes, high in the skyyyy in the, hiiiiiiiigh hopes..."
Notice the word "dream" job. Kel dreams big, what can I say. She said if she got this job I could quit mine and stay home, play guild wars, and be dad.

Full-time artist: book arts and papermaking, and designing artistic quotes freelance for an artsy company, while raising my own kids (once I have them). The number of people who can MAKE A LIVING this way is depressingly small. So this IS dreaming big. :)

A small book store where I could read when the store was empty, have control over the books and snacks we carried, have knitting club parties, and get paid $100k a year.

Kel Queen of all Europe
Or go into a partnership with Kel. :) As far as the big news, Kel and I are the same age. It would be hers, or the Challenger disaster...

Edit: Designing things like this, which I do for fun...

dream job: game developer... which I kinda do now as a hobby... but to have Soterion Studios go big, maybe sell to Blizzard, and make awesome games and roll in the cash.

and being a Game Tester would suck. I've talked with game testers, and I agree with their complaints; your not playing game. try going through a single area over and over to check every possibility for hours. (no... I'm not talking about farming)
It's okay if you are designing the game yourself, but when someone else is...
In the words of some guy from PC Gamer...

"Would you normally run at a tree, frontflip and press F1 at the same time? No, but that's what beta testers have to do to detect weak code. And when they do? They repeat it over to make sure.
Full-time artist: book arts and papermaking, and designing artistic quotes freelance for an artsy company, while raising my own kids (once I have them). The number of people who can MAKE A LIVING this way is depressingly small. So this IS dreaming big. :)

Or go into a partnership with Kel. :)

Sounds like a great business plan! We could even write and design a book together :D

Kel Queen of all Europe
I was in 2 worship bands, but neither had a name.
(as is usual with worship bands)

what would I call it?
teh pwning l33tz.
well, no. I wouldn't. I really wouldn't.
I used to be in a band called Idle Ride.

I'm currently in a worship band who doesn't have a name yet :D

And if I were to start a new band, I would like it to be called Eighth Day Adam, a nod to my philosophy on evolution and Biblical creation.
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I was in a band called Ecstatic (it was a youth group band) but all of a sudden when I got to 9th grade the youth pastor declared it a "junior high only" band and I got the boot. I was a mean bongo player, too...

And the guitar player left and everyone seemed to lose interest after he moved to New Jersey or wherever... :mad: That's why I don't "do" youth group bands. Or, not anymore. Ummmm... yeah.