Would you rather take the slow and scenic route or the quick and easy highway?
Depends, If all 6 of my kids are in the car....get where I'm going as fast as I can, even if I have to get a speeding ticket or two...j/k
Child 1: "Dad He looked at me"
Child 2:"No I didn't"
Child 3:"You are now"
Child 2: "Who asked you, shut up"
Child 3: "Dad, She told me to shut up"
Child 4: "Are we there yet?"
Child 5: " I have to use the bathroom"
Child 3 "Dad, I said she told me to shut up"
Child 6: "Bathroom!!!! Eat!!! 'Donalds!!!"
Child 1: "Quit touching me"
Father to Mother: "I'm so glad we made this trip" rolls eyes.
Mother to Father, pulling out earplugs : "I'm sorry honey, did you say something?"
Father to self: "I love my kids, I love my kids, I love my kids"
j/k...it's not that bad...(most of the time
