The new get to know your guildies thread

Next question:

What was your most memorable toy? (ok here is your first chance to seriously date yourself)

Kel's was a white wolf stuffed animal named Lightening. When she was little she wanted to grow up and have two wolves a grey one named thunder and a white one named Lightening. Now in game she has Thunder.

Rho's was his Atari 2600. Boy did I waste a ton of time in front of those low res games.

Oh, legos... how I loved thou legos...

BTW AA that sounds awesome, I remember doing something like that but nowhere near the size or complexity
it was a work of evolution (ooh.. I said it) over years. kept adding onto it. Started... back when I was 9. had a reframing back when I was 11 where I dismantled and built it on a sturdier structure. been on that frame ever since, although much of the other parts changed over the years.
haha. I never had to heart to destroy it.
as you can see, I like to talk about it.
and yes... a pic eventually might find it's way here. haha.

man... I totally wanna play with my legos now. haha.
My Mandy and Becky dolls. Loved them. Still have them, even though they are packed away.


I learned to sew them clothes. They went practically everywhere with me, including up trees and down to the creek.

man... I totally wanna play with my legos now. haha.
See, I don't miss Legos. My best friend's little girls have them. I play with them regularly. :)
um... when i was a child, wait... IM STILL A CHILDish.
so i dont apply

BTW: i love my legos!
This one is easy. All my money goes to Stephen F. Austin University.

I will get a double pleasure on December 16th. My oldest daughter will walk across the stage to receive her Bachelor's degree with a double major (accounting and criminal justice). My wife will receive her Master's in School Counseling on the same night.

My daughter plans to attend post-graduate school to work towards her Master's so that's where the $1000 would go.
Accounting and Criminal Justice? What's she wanna be when she grows up? Well she sounds like a smart girl and she's got Master of All Farming for a dad, so I'm sure she'll do fine

If I found 1000 smackaroonies on the street? Heck, I'd thank God three times over and put it in savings. Tithing is a must, of course.
This one is easy. All my money goes to Stephen F. Austin University.

I will get a double pleasure on December 16th. My oldest daughter will walk across the stage to receive her Bachelor's degree with a double major (accounting and criminal justice). My wife will receive her Master's in School Counseling on the same night.

My daughter plans to attend post-graduate school to work towards her Master's so that's where the $1000 would go.

Awesome. Your daughter will be ready to go work for the mob now, or maybe a casino.

What would I do with $1k? I'd probably buy a PS3 so i could resell it on EBay for $2500. Then I'd take the original $1k, give it to my church, and take a vacation with my wife on the $1500.
Accounting and Criminal Justice? What's she wanna be when she grows up?

She originally wanted to just get her accounting degree and her CPA. Her part time job is in the U.S. District Attorney's office. As such she is always rubbing elbows with FBI agents. She has been set for sometime on working for the FBI.

If you look on the FBI website, one of the degrees they seek is in accounting. The switch to add criminal justice was to aid her in getting the FBI job. She told me today that her masters will be in Public Administration.

She wasn't a Valedictorian like Astrod00d was, but she has been a model daughter and never caused her ole Dad any problems. She is 22 now and still lives at home (SFA is only about a 15 mile drive). She has saved her Dad a bucket full of money by living at home and winning scholarships every semester for her grades.

She works at her schoolwork like Halonic works at farming.
hmm... 1000 dollars? the remaining 900 would probably be split between a savings account and a honeymoon in a little under 2 months....

@Halonic: i didn't know you were near SFA, my college used to play them in football. if i remember, they beat us rather soundly last year....
If only all dads were as proud of their kids and as supportive of them as Halonic!

$1000? Well, my design computer is about to be replaced...$900 would be most helpful! I would probably also give some to the local pregnancy resource center or a ministry near us called Wellspring, which is a post-rehab program for women coming out of the "adult entertainment" industry and/or off the streets.

Oh, and upgrade the memory on the dungeon computer. :)
She originally wanted to just get her accounting degree and her CPA. Her part time job is in the U.S. District Attorney's office. As such she is always rubbing elbows with FBI agents. She has been set for sometime on working for the FBI.

If you look on the FBI website, one of the degrees they seek is in accounting. The switch to add criminal justice was to aid her in getting the FBI job. She told me today that her masters will be in Public Administration.

She wasn't a Valedictorian like Astrod00d was, but she has been a model daughter and never caused her ole Dad any problems. She is 22 now and still lives at home (SFA is only about a 15 mile drive). She has saved her Dad a bucket full of money by living at home and winning scholarships every semester for her grades.

She works at her schoolwork like Halonic works at farming.

Awesome... reminds me of my friend's sister who won some scholarship from Bill Gates (one of two in the US or something)
Other than your forum name have you ever had a nickname? If so what was it and how did you get it?
it was.. um... Bean.
I've been 6'3 for a while now, and back when I was younger, I was a bit skinnier. so I was called String-Bean, then just Bean.

now I'm 215+ lbs (after weightlifting) and I just beat people up for fun. they call me lord and master now.