The new get to know your guildies thread

Depends what day of the week cream, chocolate, white chocolate, caramel, sprinkles, gummy worms........excuss me while i go check out the freezer.....
ooh, ice cream with about the smae amount of toppings on chocolate-chip cookie dough! maybe throw in some gummies, chocolate chips, sprinkles, cherries, you name it
Ok next question:

How would you best like to travel - plane, train, boat, automobile, or other (be specific if you want)?

Kel votes for the Scotty express "beam me up"
I would best like to travel in my own mind. The pages of a book will be my vehicle.

I am a hermit in real life. I don't even like going to the store. I live at the end of a dead end street and I just like staying at home.
wow wierd way to Travel there MM.

I would say the Delta Flier for you Star Trek Voyager fans :). Or Voyager would be awesome!
PopCorn Boy: I would want to ride on a koala bear no wait they are slow. How about a Panda Bear, oh slow also. I know a Panda bear with a personal jet pack on his stomach so I can ride on his back. A bamboo powered rocket YEAH.

Rho: current favorite option for Mass transit concept
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