Spirit of Elisha


New Member
It's getting to be a good time to fire up the other guild now. I don't see how we can kick anymore people since the bottom one on the list is only 1 month inactive. What do you think? We could make the guild cape exactly the same and now that alliance members are recognizable in towns and officers can chat, it shouldn't feel too much like another guild at all. There might have to be a couple more officers brought on board. Volunteers could migrate over and there would be tons of room for growth.
I'd be more than willing to do it, except for the fact that I wouldn't get to see Guild chat anymore.

BUT, I could use alliance chat...

Guild Chat and get to talk with people...or Alliance Chat and get to talk to people and lessen Dredd's power...Quite the dilemma... :D

Mwahaha... :p
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Alliance chat is not something to use except in unique situations. I normally have mine unchecked because all I saw was one-sided conversations. The officers in the other alliance guilds were using alliance chat to converse with their guildmates. It gets annoying quickly when you can only see half a conversation.
Halonic said:
Alliance chat is not something to use except in unique situations. I normally have mine unchecked because all I saw was one-sided conversations. The officers in the other alliance guilds were using alliance chat to converse with their guildmates. It gets annoying quickly when you can only see half a conversation.

I agree.
This is something for the leader and officers to decide. It's my understanding that they come together and decide who to appoint as officers. I have no authority to do any of these things, I was merely making a suggestion and trying to spark up conversations and suggestions about the growth of the guild.
I'm working on getting windows set up with the proper raid settings, if i can get that all up 'n running ill be available from 4 after almost every day (cept on mondays wensdays and sundays). Funny thing is windows locks up when it loads up the eide controller when it does the final setup.

My dad had recent computer problems on the dell (never buy a stuipid dell), if i see one more dell kill itself, i dont know what i will do with myself. So much of my time has been taken up trying to get the dumb thing back up.
I'll volunteer to go over there and help out whether it be as a drone or as an officer. Doesn't matter to me as long as we keep growin.
My dad had recent computer problems on the dell (never buy a stuipid dell), if i see one more dell kill itself, i dont know what i will do with myself. So much of my time has been taken up trying to get the dumb thing back up.

I have 2 dells. And they are shining, beautiful pieces of marvelous hardware. Of course, we upgraded them... but the were awesome before we did, too. You just probably messed it up (which I'm not sure HOW...)
This has been on my mind lately as well. When Pastoi returns from his trip we'll have to have a staff meeting to discuss this. I know I have been uncomfortable kicking people who have only been inactive for a few weeks.

Some things we will want to consider are:
-what criteria do we use for the split (prophesies only vs both chapters, PvE vs PvP, current members vs new invites, Kurzick vs Luxon).
-Selection of new officers for secondary guild. We'll want these to not only be responsible people (not that anyone we have is irresponsible) but those who plan to continue playing for a while and are relatively knoledgable of the game in general.
-Inter-guild communications. Forums won't work for everything and we can't all have every member of the other guild on our friends list. Maintenance of a guild roster(s) could be almost a full time job. We want to be sure that if we split we maintain good communication between the parts of the guild. Forums work well for this, but won't cover everything.

Please share any other concerns and any ideas for addressing these points. I'd like to see what you all have to say.
Running a Guild is tough to begin with (well done Pastoi and the officers) let alone another guild. Thing are much easier with alliances an the alliance chat.

Some thing to consider are:

-different capes. Can be similar, but a guild should have some sense of identity of it's own.
-forum space that is specific to that guild, but other members of the alliance can see and post to.
-The biggest......members. Probably the most important as people will want to join the guild with more players, then be in the little spill over guild.

I'd say take steps to wards requiting members. Possibly starting a new guild, and recruiting people into it under the idea of starting a new Christian guild. To start things off, how about anyone that may have multiple accounts join the new guild with their secondary account characters. That way you have a good base of people that know what is going on in the game, and can check the status of both guilds. Then after a little bit the new guild Will be self sufficient and can stand alone.

just remember....if it's going to be a new guild, then it needs to be a new guild. Would you want to be in a guild that was just the overflow of a larger one? doesn't quit sit well you know.
I'd say that creating a separate guild would be a mistake. I believe the best way to do it would be as an overflow guild that is as similar as possible to the existing one. Does the tag have to be unique? If not, I'd make it [SoE]Spirit of Elisha. I'd make the cape the same also. The only real differences would be who you talk to in guild chat and what guild hall you have. Also, the second guild would need a guild leader that would pretty much be the guild co-leader.
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I agree with Astrod00d I think it should be the same guild and also part of the Alliance. Right now we need to make our Alliance as strong as possible and divide our strength. Because I highly doubt we can control a city with a Christian Alliance if we have half on each side.
astrod00d said:
I'd say that creating a separate guild would be a mistake. I believe the best way to do it would be as an overflow guild that is as similar as possible to the existing one. Does the tag have to be unique? If not, I'd make it [SoE]Spirit of Elisha. I'd make the cape the same also. The only real differences would be who you talk to in guild chat and what guild hall you have. Also, the second guild would need a guild leader that would pretty much be the guild co-leader.

I agree completely that both should, for all intents and purposes, be the same guild. I suggest that we should STRONGLY consider making Spirit of Elisha a PVP-ORIENTED sub-guild, its membership reserved for those who want to regularly participate in PVP. That would allow those players who take PVP seriously to be easily teamed up with others who have a similar interest. Those players would have a much easier time networking (they would simply hit G whenever they log in and know exactly how many people are available at that moment for PvP), and PvE oriented players would similarly know who was logged in for that purpose. Of course, players who like only occasional PvP could still be invited to join along on PvP outings as a "guest".

Many guilds that are a bit more competative already have sub-guilds for serious PVP, often requiring a certain level of fame for membership. I am NOT suggesting that we have any such rating requirement, but simply a committment to regular PvP participation and doing one's part to improve the team as a whole.

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I also agree with Astrod00d.

Spirit of Elisha fills the bill as far as same tag different name.

I don't consider it two different guilds. I just consider it all the same guild with allowances made for Guild Wars' limitations.
aye, I agree with a pvp-oriented sub-guild, being a pvp fan myself. I would like to see several pvp-active people, willing to try builds every night. All we would need is 4-8 very active people, then draw resources from our alliances to fill out teams.
PvP-oriented sub guild? Uh oh...my hubby and I share accounts!

Maid Mirawyn doesn't wanna go anywhere! She wants to play with her friends! :p

So there!

But it is a good idea...