Spirit of Elisha

vibrokatana said:
(though at the rate halonic farms he should get a job at anet)

Its because of me that Anet still HAS a job.

I saw two different peeps today selling Dragos new 20/20 Flatbow. One wanted 100k +5 ectos. the other wanted 100k. The only way to get it for free is to farm.

I already have one for my Ranger (a drop not a purchase.....how did you think I got all that dough, by buying stuff?). Going back now for the second one that I will sell. Come go with me. This invitation is for any of you. Been henching it a lot lately.

I farm only at three specific times. Early, late, and often.
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While game updates allowing more people or changed alliance chat options would both be nice, we're unfortunately stuck with what we have right now. The guild membership cap has been mentioned in the fansite forums for quite some time. The only plausable argument I've seen is to prevent a "superguild" from running and winning continual GvG. However, that is a completely different discussion.

I do appreciate all the comments in this thread, we will review all of this before any decisions are made.

As I see it so far, we have the following options, assuming continued growth:

  1. Accept no new members until we have people inactive beyond a certain timeframe (1 month?). Until then, possibly redirect prospective members to Defend Christ or Christian Gamers Guild, or potentially God's Chosen.
  2. Create a new allied guild (or use Spirit of Elisha) and split up current members based on PvP or PvE preference.
  3. Create a new allied guild (or use Spirit of Elisha) and have a core group from the existing guild as "seed members" to become officers of the new guild where all new invitees will be sent.

If you have any other ideas within the existing framework of the game, please add them.
DZwart said:
As I see it so far, we have the following options, assuming continued growth:

  1. Accept no new members until we have people inactive beyond a certain timeframe (1 month?). Until then, possibly redirect prospective members to Defend Christ or Christian Gamers Guild, or potentially God's Chosen.
  2. Create a new allied guild (or use Spirit of Elisha) and split up current members based on PvP or PvE preference.
  3. Create a new allied guild (or use Spirit of Elisha) and have a core group from the existing guild as "seed members" to become officers of the new guild where all new invitees will be sent.

Let me make a few comments and also suggest a fourth option:

Option 1 - Accepting members only as slots become available may seem contrary to the spirit and goals of our guild, but it does have some distinct advantages. For one thing, it encourages current members to stay active (or at least, log in from time to time) in order to retain a place in the guild. But also, it gives us a chance to support other guilds in our alliance, by sending them members. Personally, I really do like the idea of planting the seeds of a strong and healthy guild like ours in other, smaller guilds by sending them members.

Option 2 - I would not be in favor of this only for my own sake, but I can say objectively that NOTHING poses such a threat to the unity and harmony of our Guild than our lack of competitive-ness in the area of PvP. Those of you who have been around here a while know how much of an issue this has been in the past. And it is not only an ever-present stumbling block for us, but also for potential members who would like to be involved in a guild that is competative in PvP.

Derk said before that our guild consists of folks who either do both PvP and PvE, or exclusively PvE. But you can further divide the "some PvP" crowd into people who enjoy playing even when we don't usually win, and people who CANNOT enjoy PvP unless we are organized and competent enough to win on a regular basis. If you are like me and very strongly in the first category, it is easy to just dismiss those in the second category as somewhat immature. "Its just a game" is easy for someone like me to say, mainly because I'm in it for the social aspect more than gameplay goals. But for folks who are very success and goal-oriented, it really can be impossible to enjoy this game without a reasonably high degree of competitiveness. In my opinion, the best way to serve these members and potential members is to go with a PvP sub-guild.

Option 3 - If we choose this option, we need to be aware that we are really setting up what will likely evolve into a new and separate group, whose officers and members may or may not decide down the road that their philosophies and goals align enough with ours to remain affiliated with us. We may call it the same guild, and treat it as the same guild - but wasn't the United States once called a colony of Britain and treated as such? :rolleyes: There is also the danger of an officer or member in one or the other group developing a grudge against someone in the other group, in which case the interdependence of the groups would allow supporters of one or the other viewpoint to flock to one or the other group and polarize it against the other. Don't think this is likely to ever happen? It happens in the Christian Church ALL THE TIME.

Option 4 - If we want to acheive a similar result to Option 3 without essentially starting up a new Guild, I'd recommend making Elisha an "overflow" area for our guild. Here's how we might accomplish that:

1 - We'd start by encouraging all members of our Guild with 2 or more accounts (particularly our officers) to affiliate one of their accounts with Elisha. This would not force anybody to leave Elijah, but it should populate Elisha fairly well. Current officers of Elijah who join Elisha would be Elisha's officers.

2 - Whenever we do not have room for a new member in Elijah, they would be accepted into Elisha. This would be announced on a thread on this forum, so that Elisha members would know to log in periodically, and Elijah members could add that person to their friends list. We'd make an effort to personally invite new Elisha members to our guild events while they are waiting to join Elijah.

3 - Elisha may become an interest-oriented sub-group of sorts, depending on who decides to congregate there. Most of our PvP-oriented players do have second accounts, so a PvP orientation could develop. But regardless of what people do or how the group evolves, Elisha would firmly remain a sub-group of Elijah, lead exclusively by Elijah's officers and populated by its members or soon-to-be members.

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as far as my opinion goes the guild(s) should be considered the same group, with the same forum, but may have members affiliated more with one group then the other(ie single account holders).

Also how is the idea of making a database with everyones characters and builds?

I can make a sql database with all the information, but everyone will have to submit their data in exact order. then add boolean fields for builds people can play.
then i can turn over the magic and let people run queries against it.

I will work on the construction of a table tonight then i can turn over the insert query to you guys and let you all build your own :P, inserting data is the most boring job in the world...
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Well, tonight's update changes things a little, any guild member can now type in Alliance chat, not just the officers. This opens up communication significantly for the second guild. The only barrier now is that there is no equivalent of the guild screen to see who's on from the other sub-guild.

As for your suggestion, dorkelf, I think it's very similar to option 3. I also agree, if anyone has 2 accounts (for 1 person, so married couples don't count as having 2 accounts) and both are members of SoE currently, please PM me to discuss transferring one account over to ToJ. If we do have a few, this could clear up a few slots from the roster for now.
DZwart said:
Well, tonight's update changes things a little, any guild member can now type in Alliance chat, not just the officers.
Ah yes, my plan is working nicely...apparently ANet itself is not immune to the powers of the mesmer....

Okay, I promise to be responsible in my use of Alliance Chat. To do otherwise would be quite rude. But still, yay!

Opened alliance chat to all members of the alliance, not just guild officers.

Latest update notes!

EDIT: Doh, I'm too late. :rolleyes:
I had to pay Anet a lot of Money to add this feature so you all would think I liked being one of the only ones that could use Alliance chat.

Who am I kidding lol!!

Honestly I am glad they did that. It opens up a way to make some new friendships! YAY!! And I dont have to relay MM's Messages!
Praise God! It seems the problem got partially solved without my help (or without me even knowing about it-- those are the best problems to get solved). I'll be arranging a meeting with the current officers to discuss what, if anything, we want to do with this situation.
DZwart said:
As for your suggestion, dorkelf, I think it's very similar to option 3.

My suggestion is to create an alternative playing forum for our guild that is populated by our members and moderated by our current officers. Option three would create a new "affiliated" guild with its own separate leadership. I've already mentioned why I don't think this is a good idea.

the new officers should be closely tied in with the current, sorta like a extension of the family type matter. as for the forum, i see no reason to hold a seperate, unless we wanted to hold seperate events.
Well, as far as the forums go we could a separate subforum for each guild, but keep the main forums integrated. That way we could plan separate events if needed (and discuss strategies to use against each other for scrimmage!), but we could still remain one family.

For example:
Spirit of Elijah
Spirit of Elisha

It would take a bit of work by the mods to keep the general stuff in the general forum, but it could be done. I recommend using beatings as a deterent! :D

Or y'all could just move threads if they need to be moved. My way is more entertaining, though...
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