Spirit of Elisha

to bad that your husband doesnt play in the same room, as a good blackout ranger & panic mesmer would be deadly if they worked as a team.
techwhosaysnee said:
I'm not sure there is a need for the second guild now that we can scrimidge

The purpose for the second guild is because the current guild is becoming more active leaving less inactive players to kick when we want to invite new ones. Theres just so much interest in our guild that we need more room.
Dauntless said:
The purpose for the second guild is because the current guild is becoming more active leaving less inactive players to kick when we want to invite new ones. Theres just so much interest in our guild that we need more room.

Ah. Yeah... we do rock.

But we also have alliance members who could use some attendence beef-uppering.

Not that I mind having a guild so big it needs two halls! Just thinking... having 3 beefy Christian Guilds could work well for establishing a Christian presence.
As for the tag on Spirit of Elisha, the game doesn't require you to stick to initials. I set it up as [ToJ] to avoid confusion. Maybe I should have stuck with [SoE], but it's too late unless we want to disband and reinvest in a new setup costs.
I'm sure we could work out something on the set-up costs if we wanted to change to SoE (don't have a tongue-in-cheek smiley).
I don't think the suggestion is for PvP only. I think the idea is for a sub-guild that is for PvP fans, to make planning easier.

I don't have anything against our allies, but I don't want to be a member of Defend Christ or Christian Gamers Guild. I also don't want to be able to recruit only for them. I like Christian Gamers Alliance.

That's not to say that we can't help them grow. But we are different groups, with different standards and "feels."
Dauntless said:
The purpose for the second guild is because the current guild is becoming more active leaving less inactive players to kick when we want to invite new ones. Theres just so much interest in our guild that we need more room.

In our case (Mirawyn and I) we have two Guild Wars accounts. With two accounts you can always join Elisha while remaining affiliated with Elijah.

Now, if everyone in our guild who had two accounts and an interest in PvP switched one account over to Elisha, it wouldn't really free up very many slots for new members. A few, but not many. However, consider this: A serious PvP guild or sub-guild is bound to attract its own players. I can tell you with certainty that there are christians out there who passed our guild by because we aren't competitive in PvP. When I first joined this guild, we weren't even doing ANY GvG AT ALL. I wasn't a PvP oriented player at that time, but what if I had been? Personally, I have one christian friend who joined a non-christian guild specifically because he wanted to be involved in competitive PvP. There are certainly many more like him out there.

MaidMirawyn said:
I don't have anything against our allies, but I don't want to be a member of Defend Christ or Christian Gamers Guild. I also don't want to be able to recruit only for them. I like Christian Gamers Alliance.

That's not to say that we can't help them grow. But we are different groups, with different standards and "feels."

I do agree with that, and I don't think having a PvP sub-guild would divide us at all. Its members could always keep one Guild Wars account affiliated with SoE, and most serious PvP players DO have a second account. But for those who don't (*HACK*WHEEZE*COUGH*DREDD!*COUGH*) and who do not want to leave SoE, they could still participate in Elisha events simply by being invited in as a guest.

Invitation as a guest is not required as long as both guilds are a part of the same alliance. The only real limitations are that for rated GvG matches, 4 players or more MUST be a member of whatever guild hall you are starting at.

Just out of curiosity, besides myself and Dorkelf and MaidMirawyn (one account each between married couple), how many others have 2 accounts and if so, are both accounts members of SoE? I know there are a few married couples, but I would hate to split you up into separate sub-guilds just because you're married. I purposely did not invite my other account to avoid taking up a second slot for myself.

The biggest down-side I see to a potential split is the communication barrier created. We still could have the common forum to use for communication, but we would start to have to rely more heavily on the in-game friend list for people not in the same sub-guild. Alliance chat can still reach everyone, but that is limited to officers. I know there are a lot of active members I really don't know and I'd hate to isolate myself from them.

We don't have many, if any, people in the "mostly PvP" or "PvP only" categories right now. Most of our current members fall in the "PvE Only" to "Some PvP/Some PvE" categories. For the sake of numbers when pulling together GvG or Heroe's Ascent teams, it seems to make sense to have people interested in PvP being in the same sub-guild.

One other suggestion that had been made at some point in the past was a split based on most common time of day playing (early east coast vs late east coast/west coast). The biggest trouble with this is that since we don't play at the same times, we don't know eachother that well anyway and working together and interacting would again be difficult.

Also, to add to Maid Mirawyn't point, splitting to a second sub-guild still sort-of keeps us as one group, however, if [CGG] or [GOD] decides in a month to change to Luxon, they would take members who wanted to be a part of SoE/ToJ with them. I agree that we should support each-other and help them grow, but if someone wants to be a SoE/ToJ member, I think we should try to find a way to let them.

Sorry for the long post, but I think this is a very sensitive point in the growth of our guild and want to be sure we discuss this thoroughly before any definitive action is taken.
ChickenSoup said:
I don't. And by the way, I don't appreciate you stealing my style (hackcoughwheeze thingZ...)


I was using that "style" before you were born, soup BOY. INCLUDING the Z thing. Though I do admit, you do it better than I ever did...

I have access to two accounts. One just sits idle for the now. The last guild I was in tried to do just this, and well...things didn't go so well. The communication barrier is a real problem. The friends list helps, but you can't have everyone in your friends list.
Another alternative is to send emails to Anet asking for the cap of 100 on guildies to be raised. Maybe we might even hear back from them.
I think an ideal solution would be instead of having htem raise the cap (which, I admit would also be nice), to have a setting for alliance chat permissions. If you could change who could talk in it, and make it everyone and not just officers, then you eliminate the communications barriers.

And having it as a setting that the alliance leader can change would mean that the people who like it that way can keep it, and those who prefer the added communication can change it.

(Idk why they cap it at 100, probably something with balance/diversity of guilds.)
Or they could make so that it shows the members of an allied guild. Also, maybe some organization options for the friends list such as creating groups.
My vote is that anet is in the works of implementing a alliance "guild list", when working with a large scale database it isnt as easy as saying "do this" and the next day roll up something. At my job i reguarly work with databases in excess of 35,000 rows and about 50 colums, that is a pain to make sure all your data actually copied over when you start building new tables.

Patience is a virtue, ANet is here for the players, they made the game to be enjoyable, not a second job (though at the rate halonic farms he should get a job at anet). Maybe we should step back and let our elders (the gentlemen called officers and leaders) debate the issue and decide what is best for us.

Since we are a guild becoming more active I think the best idea is for the leaders and officers to get together every week or 2 and discuss issues and how to increase cooperativity between guilds.