Alan, I have some good news and bad news:
The good news is that our church has found a new Associate Pastor, and the Assoc. Pastor Search Comm. (which Tanya was on) is done w/ their searching. We will be having a celebratory get-together to welcome in the new pastor and his wife, and all Search Committee members and their spouses, along with the Board of Directors (which I am one) and their spouses are to be there. So we each have to be there for 2 different reasons.
Good news: I thought it was this coming Fri. (7/24) and would cause me to miss Naxx 10. However, it is not.
Bad news: It's this Sat. (7/25) and will therefore cause me to miss the 2nd day of the run.
Of course, since we're gonna be clearing all 4 wings, Saph, and KT too in 1 night, we obviously won't need the 2nd night, right? /cast Wishful Thinking (Rank 1).
I will definitely be there w/ reagents on Friday night to take down as many as we can.