Saints of the Old Republic

but in death he found a new life - as one of the fuzzy fellows standing around at the end.
lol - obviously I should have been more exact in my choice of words. Ethereal would be more descriptive than fuzzy. The ewoks were like rocks compared to the guys we are talking about.
LOL @ Vaporware, the secret that the game was being worked on is not even a year old and they just started open beta applications last week.
Last two classes are out! That means beta is right around the corner. Things should really start to pick up now!

We got lots of room for those interested in playing Republic!
Republic is the "light" side or the """"""""""""""""""""good"""""""""""""""""""" side right?
I so want to be interested in this game, but it is not working for me yet.

WHAT?!?! Have you considered that Jedi are referred to as "master"? How bout it, Master Icthus?

Just think of what it will do for your ego :p
See you would have to know my family and myself a little better. I identify better with the Sith Code.

My son asked me once during his Star Wars rules phase, what color light saber would you have?

I said Red..... There was some silence then a "ummmm you would be bad?"

I said, "No, I would be Sith and you will call me Darth Daddy".

He then asked who would be my apprentice and I told him"My faithful companion Darth Doggie."

So, I am more in line with the Sith. The Jedi with no love and no emotions is a real serious turn off for me.