
A Marskman/Ranger/Bard build sounds like the logical and responsible build for people wanting to help their parties...

...but I just can't resist the allure of a Hunter/Rogue hybrid. I can it now:

"Well, I see this lone boar attacking me, and I know it belongs to someone, but I can't--HURK!" Crit backstab.



That Marskman/Ranger/Bard build is a strong build for group, solo, and pvp really. Nice all around.
Assassin is the only Rogue soul that can get indefinite stealth 21 points into the tree. All other rogue souls get the 30 second stealth ala WAR. Still, 30 seconds can be plenty of time to do the deed.

I was also considering a ranged/melee build but need to work out the specifics. Many testers have been saying it's best to keep ranged souls with ranged, but I can be pretty obstinate about that stuff until I try it 40 different ways before coming to the same conclusion. =P I plan to try some type of either Ranger/Bard/21pt Assassin, or Marks/Ranger/21pt Assassin, or Marksman/21pt Assassin/Riftstalker(nice survival rogue soul)

I will likely level with something more cookie cutter until I have enough levels to distribute the points in a functional fashion.

Saboteur is pretty epic. The damage from five Adhesive Bombs and Detonate is insane. I tried Marks/Rang/Sab on Beta 5, and loved it. But I think I plan on Night/Rang/Bard at release. I want the melee and stealth when needed, and Ranger has my type of playstyle: Hunter! Bard buffs and off-heals seem like they'd synergize(sp?) really well with just about anything.

I really like the big burst damage of the Saboteur class. You can be unpredictable and set off detonates with 1 or 2 combo pts setting them up to not expect the big 5pt BOOM. Doing Warfronts in voice chat and coordinating multiple detonates or other classes burst abilities on healers will be quite the time.
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funny how so far we are only talking about rogues.

man I watched a pyro video today, DANG he had some Nukes!
I'd go for a pvp server.. if the game decides to work on this next beta phase >.>

I'm planning on some rogue combination :)
As long as it works on my computer I will be starting a PvP guild with regular pvp nights / raid nights for pve will be set up by someone else. It will be a mainly pvp guild though we will do some pve jsut not the main basis of the guild.

ranger/marks/sab FTW
As long as it works on my computer I will be starting a PvP guild with regular pvp nights / raid nights for pve will be set up by someone else. It will be a mainly pvp guild though we will do some pve jsut not the main basis of the guild.

ranger/marks/sab FTW

Will your guild be affiliated with anything? CGA, ToJ, anything like that?

FYI: Ryooshi and I's guild planning is going well...however...doesn't look like much want for a PvE guild... :P
Maybe join forces and have a guild that has leaders for pvp and leaders for pve? Then both sides will be represented by officers. I guess it depends if the pve crowd is cool with the extra chaos that comes with a pvp flagged server.

I think it would be fun to have a fast deploy squad that is ready to go in an instant's notice to rescue any guildies that are getting harassed by Defiant.
Maybe we can discuss a few different possibilities.

A Guardian PvE guild and a Defiant PvP guild?

Or maybe it would be best for unified purposes to all be on one server and one faction whether it be a PvP or a PvE server.

If we all went to a PvE server, we would be able to participate in grouped Warfronts & world PvP zones. People who are not as PvP-centric would not have to worry about being flagged in specific zones. More peace of mind for us in world zones.

If we all went to a PvP server, we would have many more options for combat without having to deal with a flagging system. World PvP in most zones would be possible as well as being able to jump rifts into enemy territory + warfronts. Added element of excitement and danger for us.


Personally, I am looking for that added element of danger and non-AI based combat vs discerning and skillful opponents, however, I can see both sides of the fence. If we made a PvE guild, I would certainly make a character to play there with the guild, however, I would also be compelled to make a character on a PvP server as well. If we rolled on a PvP server, I would likely just stick with the one server.

Defiant tend to have mildly brief queues for warfronts and Guardians have instant queues, I have personally found on various servers that, for whatever reason, Defiant seems to play better as a team in Warfronts overall. It seems that Guardians seem able to get in one Warfront after the other quicker, but Defiant seem to have a better team experience in PUGs.

Just an observation.
At first I didn't care too much about PvE vs PvP, but out of the people I have talked to on my own, many of them stress PvE...it has really only been here in thread that people have been mostly wanting PvP... :P

EDIT: Notice: There is no reason for 2 of either type of guild, so Unfetered, if you had plans to make a PvE guild as well...just leave that to Ryooshi and me...
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At first I didn't care too much about PvE vs PvP, but out of the people I have talked to on my own, many of them stress PvE...it has really only been here in thread that people have been mostly wanting PvE... :P

EDIT: Notice: There is no reason for 2 of either type of guild, so Unfetered, if you had plans to make a PvE guild as well...just leave that to Ryooshi and me...

Um.. your post makes little sense >.>
I think Sean and I had planned to choose a PvE server, but the guild would be more fellowship and community focused rather than just a specific game mechanic like raiding or PvP, BUT that's not to say there won't be any of that. So far the outlines we're talking about encompasses everyone being able to play anyway they want, be it PvP, raids, alts, crafting, the auction house market, etc.

Certainly, PvP can be a bit different on a PvE server, but you can always keep the PvP option chosen as "Always on." And I believe in the next round of testing, there will be PvP Wardstones (those big crystals at questhubs) that can be destroyed by the opposing faction. I expect those will have a high tendency to attract combat. :P Warfronts are cross-realm from what I understand, too, so even if someone winds up on a low pop server, they can always get into the thick of the battle.

We're also not going to limit alts (unless we hit some crazy member cap, I guess), so even if a certain amount of people want to go to a PvP server, you're always welcome to have an alt in our guild for whenever you want to hop over. :) Our goal is to create a solid community so every playstyle will be welcome.

I've got to get to bed though. /yawn I only got about 3 or 4 hours solid sleep in the past 48 hours. I'll catch you guys tomorrow!

Um.. your post makes little sense >.>

Shh! His eyes are bleeding after the amount of text I gave him to read today. LOL He can't see straight enough to type.
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I listened to a few of the podcasts from this site. Its fairly informative and entertaining. Lots of Trine interviews too.


Also, does anyone know the difference between a pvp and pve server, is it same as wow?
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I listened to a few of the podcasts from this site. Its fairly informative and entertaining. Lots of Trine interviews too.

bookmarked! thanks.

I was talking to Unfet about it. He def wants the guild to do pve as well, but he will be focusing personally on getting organized pvp up and going. He was going to have other officers run the pve side of things.

And it was definitely to be a close knit fellowship type of guild, not a zerg/cattle guild where no one knows you.
So...I am kinda confused, and am not sure what is going on behind the scenes...should Ryooshi and I just stop working...or what???
Nothing behind any scenes, was just talking with Unfet in chat about Rift a lot lately. He wanted to get a guild going is all. I don't think he has anything worked on for it and neither of us realized that you guy had already put in time into a possible guild. We could certainly have a 2 guilds on 2 servers with different factions and pve/p rulesets. We could still share ToJ forums and Vent/TS

I would rather see just one guild personally as not to divide the few Christians that will be interested. But would have to see if a joint venture could be agreed on and how flexible people are with the ruleset.
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Also, does anyone know the difference between a pvp and pve server, is it same as wow?

PvE - Player vs Player combat can be initiated only by setting a flag (fully consensual)

PvP - PvP is non-consensual/everywhere once you move out of the first tier zones (around level 20). PvP in Rift is not Free For All, it is only Faction vs Faction.

(There is talk that there are ways to accidentally flag yourself even on a pve server but it remains to be seen how Trion works it all out. )

I saw a good comment that sums up my thoughts on the topic.

A PvP server on just about any game is more alive. The human element will be one more dynamic element, not selecting a PvP server would be like taking a feature off the feature list for the game. It is the element that it adds that makes the game, for me, so much more enjoyable. It isnt a matter that something will happen it's a matter of something that can happen that adds so much to the experience.
I know that folks who dont enjoy PvP tend to think that it is worse than it is, the ganking, the randomness, and oft times point to those as reasons for not experiencing a PvP server. While I think anyone who has played on a PvP server has likely had a "bad" experience, it is never as frequent, nor as bad as it seems, and when you start adding the benefits....

Personally, I cant envsion ever playing on a PvE server for any game, ever. For me, it reduces the fun factor to a degree I cant even express.

Getting ganked by higher level bored gamers does stink but i will take that every now and then for the RUSH that comes when you get in a good group and go to town in open PvP. Trust me, with Unfetered leading you into battle, you will have a blast!
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So is there BGs or of sorts? So that pve servers would have some pvp?

Just wait till u get older and the cardiologist tells you to cut back on the caffiene and adrenalin LOL.
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Yeah totally, the main pvp is through instanced BGs. It is cross server and the same on all servers. You can level up in pvp BGs even on a pve server.

There is no real open pvp ares yet, but the zone port scion will come after launch and it should be open pvp zone. There will be faction stones on both kinds of servers that if you destroy you get major bonuses BUT it will flag you on PvE servers. These should be hot spots for pvp on both servers.
Me personally I see no reason for flagging for pvp on a pve server it is a bad mechanic. It lets people choose when to attack you before you can attack them meaning no matter the instance you are in-response to an attack rather than able to initiate it.

I will be making a guild on a pvp server as if i wanted to play against computer controlled creature constantly I would stay on wow. I love the aspect of playing against thinking, breathing, adapting characters.

Not sure about affiliation but the guild i make will be family friendly, mature and for fellowship just with more of a pvp focus. Not saying everyone has to do this or that just saying we will have more guild goals based on pvp objectives than pve objectives.

So in short:

Unfetered making Pvp guild on pvp server: we will do everything from fellowship - pve - knitting blankets to keep warm
Guardian will be select - main reason is if anyone played horde or evil sides on other games they are always over populated and on wow it leads to insane pvp que times.
Main reason for pvp server I want to play against other people with same mind set - pvp players like to pvp
not affiliated with anything as of yet will see what happens.
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At first I didn't care too much about PvE vs PvP, but out of the people I have talked to on my own, many of them stress PvE...it has really only been here in thread that people have been mostly wanting PvP... :P

EDIT: Notice: There is no reason for 2 of either type of guild, so Unfetered, if you had plans to make a PvE guild as well...just leave that to Ryooshi and me...

Not sure if i offended your somehow or what is up but make your guild. All I did was saw a bunch of posts in this thread wanting pvp server saw you wanted pve and said i was making a pvp guild on pvp server. Ewok and I talked about it for awhile but I am not forcing anyone to join mine or dissuading them to join yours.

I do think you are not being very open to ideas with the if you plan on making a pve guild leave that to us line but here no there. I still got love for ya!