
CGA's own Coldturkey49 did a commentary!

I hope that was a joke about being able to drink ten glasses of water at start because it sounds OP to me :p . Wait at what level do you get the bathroom key though? XD .

Ooooh Rift allows you to make your own custom class and has dynamic content to break up grinding. I wonder who thought up those ideas before <cries self to sleep because he is not making games T_T >.

<muses>I wonder what end game content is like though and if it is varied enough to keep people playing. Class customization is an excellent thing but if you don't provide varied ways to use those abilities in the world, not only in straight pvp, it will still become repetitive. Goes to google answers...</muses>
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here is some info on that.. not much yet but I hope there is varied stuff to do like you mentioned.

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As with any MMORPG, I have only 4 questions:
  1. Can I have a pet tank for me?
  2. Can I collect companion pets?
  3. Can I gather 50 people, assemble a raid, and head out into a snowy frontier to annihilate scores of puny elves?
  4. Is there an auction house to be exploited for building absurd levels of personal virtual wealth?
So far, Rift answers the first and second in the affirmative. I would assume that the answer to number 4 is "Yes." But it's question #3, which could be re-phrased, "Will PvP be awesome and not resemble a game of touch football with elves, orcs, humans, cow-men, and zombies prancing about and trying to capture a flag?" that remains unanswered.
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As with any MMORPG, I have only 4 questions:
  1. Can I have a pet tank for me?
  2. Can I collect companion pets?
  3. Can I gather 50 people, assemble a raid, and head out into a snowy frontier to annihilate scores of puny elves?
  4. Is there an auction house to be exploited for building absurd levels of personal virtual wealth?

Lol, go back to wow.

/is going back for the first time
Well, you can do that in Warhammer for sure. Winter areas with elves is T3 though...
#3, which could be re-phrased, "Will PvP be awesome and not resemble a game of touch football with elves, orcs, humans, cow-men, and zombies prancing about and trying to capture a flag?" that remains unanswered.

All the races in Rift are humanish so you get elves and dwarfs but no cowmen (or zombies, though I think the Mathosian race has an undead King?).

Actually the limited race variety among several other things I've glanced at about the game point to "budget". This is not necessarily an indication of bad as I've seen plenty of budget things done in other games. It just means the developers will have to rely on getting the game play right because the "glitter" levels of the game are somewhat low.
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Oh sweet, i am glad to see yall looking into Rift, any plans for a chapter i hope? I need to get back into the Christian gaming community, i am having such a hard time in my wow guild with non christian gamers, the language and everything makes my stomach turn, i have have the guild on mute in vent.
Guild already established?

Has someone already established a guild on the beta server?

It's been many moons since I've seriously played an MMORPG, and I've been interested in playing again. I received a beta invite for Rift this morning and set about downloading the client and researching the game. I like what I see.

Some of you may remember me as Doulos Theos from Men of God's BF1942 chapter, or (even farther back) Marker the Machine from Tribe of Judah (iirc) (was this a Global Operations chapter? I can't even recall...).

In MMORPGs, I like to play control classes. In Everquest I played an Enchanter as my primary, and in DAoC I played a Mentalist (though in beta I was a Viking Warrior). I'd like to play some this weekend (though I do have plans to go bowling and play board games on Saturday).

I intend to play a Dominator, probably exploring Riftstalker as well.

If you're going to be playing, connect with me via xfire; I'd love to group up and connect with you guys! http://www.xfire.com/profile/mogdoulostheos/
Actually the limited race variety among several other things I've glanced at about the game point to "budget". This is not necessarily an indication of bad as I've seen plenty of budget things done in other games. It just means the developers will have to rely on getting the game play right because the "glitter" levels of the game are somewhat low.

I agree. There really is not a lot of innovation in this game except a few key gameplay mechanics and character customization that scream, "we did not have the budget to redesign a world from ground up, so copy what we like best from everything else right down to the names of spells (example: bestial wrath for Rangers) and focus on the tweaks that matter."

I can't imagine a startup MMO company could pull off World of Everhammer without borrowing rampantly on it's budget. Blizzard openly admitted they did not intend to make WoW innovative, but to improve upon what was already out there. I think if you gut what Trion has heavily borrowed, you are left to develop Rifts, Warfronts, zone design, and character customization.

Well, whatever they did, it's working so far!
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Unfetered and I are starting a Christian Guild. It will be on the RP-PVP server Sunrest and Guardian faction. (Defiant for beta)

The guild’s goals will be to play the game to its fullest (group/raid/craft/achievements), with pvp as a focus throughout. We choose RP-PVP server for a few reasons. PvP offers way too many cool elements that we could not pass it up. Playing PvE server would be like removing features from the game. Also as the Guardian faction is a bit of religious zealots, we think that will work out nicely for some community outreach events. The RP servers tend to reign in the horribad names ppl use as well as some of the real immature players.

We plan to have a very open atmosphere where grouping is constantly encouraged and pvp training is discussed and practiced…an open environment to help people learn and grow with their pvp skills. We will do pvper of the month and most improved to help congratulate people on growing. We plan to have regularly scheduled duel nights and BG runs. We will constantly be leveling through group rifts so if any Defiant faction shows up we will be ready for them. We will have a rapid deploy squad that will drop anything to help a brother/sister that is being griefed.

The guild may be ToJ aligned we are working that out now. Anyone from ToJ is welcome to join and we are looking for more officers if you are interested.

For beta the guild will be called <Fates Call> and will be the DEFIANT faction on the Sunrest server. We will use beta to try out the opposite faction but will definitely be Guardian for launch. We chose Guardian for the faster pvp queues as well as the religious theme.

Website will be up soon, beta 6 (today) will be new toons, getting started with the guild. We will make the guild ASAP. Beta 7 we should be putting much more structure into place and by launch we will have things like forums and voice chat worked out.

Please, if you have questions PM me. If you are interested in helping run a RIFT guild with us, let me know.
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Yay, guilds! :D

I'm not here trying to sway anyone away from the PvP guild upcoming, but I am here to introduce <Ichthys>, a PvE fellowship guild focused on all aspects of the game.

We will be on Gnarlwood for Beta tests 6 and 7. Release server is TBA.

Who Are We?

We're a community. We’re a fellowship. We’re denominational and non-denominational. We’re one as the Body of Christ. We seek to be a group of disciples who set an example of God’s love. We’re not a church, but are in many ways a ministry, though the majority of ministry and spiritual growth should be sought at a church, and not in-game. We’re a family. We’re friends. We’re brothers and sisters in the name of Christ.

What Inspired The Name Ichthys?

Our guild name comes from the ancient Greek word meaning "fish." Also spelled, "ichthus," it is most recognizable by two intersecting arcs extending past the right side to resemble a tail fin. In Greek, it's spelled "ἰχθύς," and also capitalized as "ΙΧΘΥΣ" or "ΙΧΘΥC." Ichthys is pronounced "Ick-thus."

The symbol itself is an early Christian sign used to mark that the individual was a fellow believer. In scripture, the fish is used symbolically, when Christ calls Simon Peter and Andrew, two actual fishermen, saying "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:18-20 in context.)

Guild Vision:

Our vision for Ichthys is to create a healthy, family-friendly, faith-based atmosphere in which to play Rift. Fellowship, encouragement, respect, and love are our foundation built upon the Rock that is Christ.

Though we are a guild of Christians, our basic belief is to accept, in His love, all who wish to be a part of our guild regardless of personal beliefs.

We have no level requirements or class limits, and we do allow alts. We all come to play this game in different ways, be it questing and alts, to raiding and PvP, and some just to meet new friends online. However you choose to play, we believe you can find a home in our guild.

Where to Find Us:

You can find us at http://rift.xiontawa.com, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ichthys-Guild/173667959344372, and http://twitter.com/ichthysguild! To apply, please visit our website, and fill out the application on the "Join Us" tab. We look forward to having you join our family! God bless!

- Ryooshi, Ichthys GM
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Two guilds? When it comes down to it, I guess the only one to choose will be....

My Guild of Pwnzing Leets: Level 1~10 only, we'll spam Local and invite all the nubs we can. Rude, immature, and make Xbox Live players look like scholars.

No, but really, going to try to get Beta 6 working with this college proxy. :/
Good thing about games like this is alts :) One can essentially be in both guilds :DDD

So yea... I hope this game works, and is incredibly enjoyable for me :)
I will reroll toons for both guilds and play those toons exclusively through the rest of the beta phases. Prolly won't be going insane with leveling....going to leave that to release.

Personally, I hope we roll on high pop servers, since we have no idea about Rift's endgame and staying power 6 months from now. Warhammer & Aion closed low and mid-pop servers and many people lost their chosen names in the server merges and xfers to the high pop servers that survived.

I am not predicting doom for Rift, in fact, I see a very positive future for the game.....it's just something to consider for final server choices.
Good thing about games like this is alts :) One can essentially be in both guilds :DDD

So yea... I hope this game works, and is incredibly enjoyable for me :)

Absolutely! Ewok and I have talked, and we agree an alliance between the guilds is the best way to go. :)
What faction for the PvE guild during beta and what will it be at release??