
Lol tek... all it does is crash everytime it trys to launch the game... the patcher works fine, but when the game launches, it immeadiatly quits and sends in an error report >.>
This is the first beta in a LONG time I didn't have crash or lock up on me... :P Are you running it as Admin if you are on vista?
Yeah i tried the beta for a couple hours, i really like what i have seen so far. Plus gathered some info from the rift podcast.
I know some or someone was having trouble with hanging in the loading screen. They recent patch notes indicated that they fixed this, and the low frame rates those people were having. Supposedly.
So I just played about 15 minutes of Rift.

It's a shameless WoW clone.

But the game gave me a pet boar at level 1--a pet boar that controls exactly (so far as I can tell) like the pets in WoW.

The game also let me create a hybrid Hunter/Rogue class.

Pets + ranged damage + cloaking = win.

So yes, Rift is a shameless WoW clone, through and through.

But I like it. :D
Yeah it takes some stuff from WoW/WAR/EQ2 and melds them all together. The question is do they take enough and go deep enough. For example, of course ppl want dungeon instances, but don't take the idea and only have like 4 or 5, we want like 25.

The UI felt a lot more like WAR, it has almost the exact same scaling and moving feature, which is very cool.

The atmosphere on the "evil" side was totally a WAR clone. It had that immediate in your face "we are at war, war is all around us" feel.

I picked a high pop server and was amazed at the stability and lack of lag. However questing was very hard. The best choice was to camp a spawn and spam my 1 button every time it popped. Cruising around trying to kill mobs with 50 ppl around me was pretty weak. WoW really nailed this one with Cataclysm and its dynamic mob spawns according to player population. It looks like RIFT is using it as well, with some fine-tuning it might be bareable.

The graphics on Ultra look really awesome, best looking beta I have played graphics wise by far. I love how different the classes look in stance and feel even at low level.

The founder pricing at $9.99 a month is really a big deal. That would make it the cheapest MMO on the market right now.
Ahh cmon, its got sparkles on the quest items you pickup....it's a wow clone.

I don't recall WoW having live events or quests that made you feel special...the game REALLY gets good after level 8...and the game feels like you are in a war, rather than in a play pin... :p

Edit: i hit 4000 posts... :P
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Oh WoW mastered the quests that make you feel special in Cata, its pretty grand.

Live events just became seasonal events in wow. Tho i think you are referring to the dynamic content which is where they cloned WAR.

But please don't take it the wrong way, there is nothing to be ashamed of here. Wow is a top tier product and WAR had some amazing innovations, its fantastic that they take what WoW/WAR learned and are using it to their advantage. The exact OPPOSITE of this is FF online.
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I'm afraid i'll have to wait for this next beta event, and hope it works :)
If it's fun, i wanna get into it at 9.99 lol
Oh WoW mastered the quests that make you feel special in Cata, its pretty grand.

Live events just became seasonal events in wow. Tho i think you are referring to the dynamic content which is where they cloned WAR.

But please don't take it the wrong way, there is nothing to be ashamed of here. Wow is a top tier product and WAR had some amazing innovations, its fantastic that they take what WoW/WAR learned and are using it to their advantage. The exact OPPOSITE of this is FF online.

Yes...I am referring to the WAR events...I miss those so much...one of my favorite features of an MMO ever...

Here is an article a friend of mine wrote on his impressions of beta 5 and Rift altogether... http://ryooshi.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/rift-impressions-beta-5-and-screenshots/
Just for the record, I wasn't using "WoW clone" in a derogatory sense. I was just noting the (many, many) similarities.

In all fairness, WoW borrowed heavily from its predecessors. WoW was hardly the first MMORPG and Rift will not be the last.

And quite frankly, I'm thrilled that they copied WoW's pet mechanics. Playing Hunter, at least for me, was SO much more fun than playing any other class. Pets and ranged abilities (but mostly the pets) made all the difference.
Just for the record, I wasn't using "WoW clone" in a derogatory sense. I was just noting the (many, many) similarities.

In all fairness, WoW borrowed heavily from its predecessors. WoW was hardly the first MMORPG and Rift will not be the last.

And quite frankly, I'm thrilled that they copied WoW's pet mechanics. Playing Hunter, at least for me, was SO much more fun than playing any other class. Pets and ranged abilities (but mostly the pets) made all the difference.

Yeah, sorry, anytime someone mentions WoW I think derogatory...LOL... Coming off of a wasted $150+ on FFXIV...Rift is a very refreshing experience... :)

EDIT: Don't forget the starving developers! :D

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After watching some pvp videos and playing beta 5, I am pre ordering as well. Solid fun game is fun and they have a rockin bard class, I'm sold.

10 heroic instances and 2 scalable raids for launch endgame is very promising. Leveling up in pvp is big. Full guild talent tree and player achievements brings most everything I want in an mmo.
Ryooshi and myself (played together in FFXIV) were thinking about planning a guild...is there any interest here?