Request to Join SoE/SOE thread

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I would love to join SOE and am a brand new member of ToJ. I have played WoW so I have an idea of how GW works, but this is Day 2 for me so I'm very noobish and would appreciate any advice! I have a Ranger named Tanner Wind who will be out and about most evenings and some weekends. Most appreciated are links to read "how to" stuff as I am an avid reader and absorb things like a sponge. Thank you in advance.

~ Tanner Wind ~
/bump for newly approved post
Invited Divine Shinkou and Tanner Wind. Sorry for the delay guys, seems like things get lost in this thread. Welcome to the guild guys! Glad to have you aboard!! If you have any questions or just want to hang out, be sure to float around the forums here. It's the best way to interact and become a part of the core group in the guild. :)

EDIT: Officers, remember to announce invitations to avoid any ambiguity and to clarify invites. Thank you :)
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ToJ name:

Character names:
Sneaky Bo Bo
Ren The Unclean

Please send me an invite to one of the SoE's. Thanks!

I own the trilogy pack.
Guild query

I am a newly accepted member of toj and looking to join a Christian guild for Guild Wars..i recently left my old guild due to filthy and suggestive talking..I will continue to pray for those people but i do not want to have that type of content in my life if i can avoid it.
PS: Sorry if i posted in the wrong spot im new to forums
Request To Join

toj name = Waynos
teamspeak name = Waynos

guild wars char's names
1.Waynos Sin A/E
2.Waynos D D/A
3.Waynos Ele
4.Waynos Ranger
5Waynos Rit
6.Curse You Out N/Me

Campaigns I Own;
Eye Of The North

I play a few times a week and will be on around
12 noon today USA Eastern Time

My apologies for not posting my info in previous request
(i am new to forums)
Invite sent to Hikari Kohinata 3/10/2012 1141 hrs EST. Welcome and let us know when you need help or lost. Currently we are on Team Speak 3, you might want to load that.

Waynos already a member, been fun.
Request to Join

I play Guild Wars, usually with my Grandsons, but sure like the idea of being invited to join a Christian Group.

My user name is Redhorse Fire
My online name is Lightning Fire Gpa

I am from Minnesota

I Love the Lord,
Grandpa Dan
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