Request to Join SoE/SOE thread

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Hi there! Looking to join a Christian Kurzick guild, and I was pointed here.

Character name:

Master Hamm or I Set Cake On Fire
Could I get an invite back? Now that the roadmap has been released I am interested in geting some things accomplished.

IGN: Sydney Ablaze
ToJ: Micahel Ablaze

or you can look and see that I was the one who invited Fiona Dredd to the guild back in 05. teehee
Hey ewok - I tried to send an invite but it told me Sydney Ablaze is already in a guild.

Clear that up and I'll send the invite. It will be good to have you with us as we push to GW2.
ToJ name: Archenson
Guild Wars character: Sydney Archenson

I have Prophecies and EotN, hoping to get in with other Christian GW players!
Would Love to Join

I would love an invite! I haven't played in several years. I don't know if I still remember how to play. I have prophecies and Nightfall campaign.

ToJ Name= hoppytoes, GW name=Byshop Starr
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Hey - Byshop - I tried to send you an invite but Guild Wars says you are already in a guild. If that the case you would have to leave that guild before we can invite you into our guild. Let me know how you want to proceed.
Interested in Joining. Bought and playing a MMORPG game for the 1st time..I must say..Im liking used to playing FPS for many years..I thought I take a break.

Toj Name; GoodOleTaco
Char nameL Good Ol Taco
Allrighty then..posted a bit 'bout meself...lead the way fearless leaders..lead the Taco down the Guild Path of Happynessss...
Invite sent and welcome. Please let us know some about yourself on Get to know the Guildies thread.
HI. Not sure if I did anything wrong, but still haven't gotten a guild invite yet. Let me know if you need more info. Thanks,

Sorry Todd, it looks like your initial post got lost in registration. Invite has been sent now, welcome to the guild :) Sorry about the delay.

Be sure to stay active here in the forums to get the best experience. Welcome again! =D

Interested in joining, been playing Guild Wars for several years now and only recently discovered this alliance.

TOJ: Jeffrey
Guild Wars: J Zw
I would love to join SOE and am a brand new member of ToJ. I have played WoW so I have an idea of how GW works, but this is Day 2 for me so I'm very noobish and would appreciate any advice! I have a Ranger named Tanner Wind who will be out and about most evenings and some weekends. Most appreciated are links to read "how to" stuff as I am an avid reader and absorb things like a sponge. Thank you in advance.

~ Tanner Wind ~
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