Request to Join SoE/SOE thread

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Hey Chile, welcome to SOE. I have relatives in Santiago, Chile. My mom was born in Curico :)

Thanks. Having you guys around has helped a lot already. You were born in Curicó? That's pretty cool. Do you ever get a chance to visit your relatives here? We really love it here. Santiago is a great place to live, minus the smog.
My mom was born in Curico. I've never been there ... yet. Eventually I will visit. A couple of my GW characters have Chilean inspired names :)
Howdy My fellow Christians as I have mentioned totally new to guild wars and only been with ToJ a short time but none the less wish to join Soe and have lot of fun

ToJ Name: Brothertruck
Guid wars Char : Arthur Evilslayer
I have ToJ status. Need to go through the channels for SoE status. I just picked up Trilogy today (after getting re-hooked on Prophecies this week).

ToJ/CGA name: Kendrik
Main character: Kendrik The Valiant

I rolled a Paragon up front because I wanted to play one of the new professions and have always identified with paladins (blast my lawful good nature). I don't know for sure that I'll continue to favor the Paragon, but I think guild enrollment is account-based, not character based, and that character will remain on my account.

Lookin' forward to joining the ranks, learning the game, and runnin' with y'all. :)
Kendrik invite sent. Welcome, see you in game.
Patrick are you a Tribe of Judah member? And/or a member of Christian Gamers Alliance. Easy to join and it's statement of faith is what we go by. A real simple basic statement of our Christian faith. Hope to see you in game soon.
Thanks, ursen! Lookin' forward to seeing you in game.

I'm poring over the Guild Wars wiki now. Are there any other "YOU MUST READ THIS!" materials or guides any of you would recommend to someone new to the game and MMOs in general (unless you include Phantasy Star and a little, but not much, WoW)?
Guildwiki is the place - and then ask questions - either here in the forums or in game in the chat box.

Welcome aboard.
Hello again folks,

This is Shalom Seeker, back again. I was a member for a short while before I had some hardware issues and was unable to play GW for about 6 months. I am back in game now, and have been for about 2 weeks. I'm playing a 20 SoS Spirit Spammer Rit now instead of the Ele.

I was hoping that I could get a reinvite now that I am back around.

My previous App was:

Hello there, also requesting to join SoE. I have applied to and been approved by ToJ.

My ToJ Account Name is: Shalom Seeker

My Main in-game Character Name is also: Shalom Seeker (Almost lvl 19 Earth Elementalist)

I also have a lvl 20 W/Mo that I have not played in a while.

Just recently returning to the game after a while back in Everquest, been playing EQ off and on for 9ish years...tired of the monthly fee and enjoying myself in GW, looking to meet some new folks and continue to progress through GW content.

Thanks for your time,
Grace and Peace,

My new IGN that I play the most is Micaiah Phantom. Currently finishing up Factions on him, then will likely finish Nightfall.

Hope things are well in the guild, and I look forward to being among you again.

Grace and Peace,
Request to Join SoE/SOE

Toj Name: Torch

Guild Wars Character: X El Torch X

I'm looking forward to hook up with some fellow christians in gw.:)
Torch Intro

Thanks for the invite.

Still enjoy quests and missions. Presently going through factions and nightfall. Some exp at PvP

Just purchased a headset, have not been able to use it yet. Would like to. I loaded xfire to use it. but thats as far as I got.

Well thanks again.

Invite sent - look forward to seeing you in game - and around the forums. Anything we can do to help - just let us know.
Lord Elijah Alkazar,

I tried to invite you but Guild Wars says no character by that name exists. I did a cut and paste - have you misspelled your name?
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