K, We're about lvl 10 now. We could use an escort through STV some evening to get fp's. Storm Wind and Loch Modan (even Wetlands are fairly easy) but we want to be able to get to Wailing Caverns and have to get the fp in Booty Bay. Our agro will be pretty large going through STV.
I'm in, probably with a gnome rogue. I love my rogue and gnomes are hard to hit so I'll start one just for pvp.
I'm planning on making the trek through Ashenvale and down into the Barrens to discover WC and over to Ratchet to get the FP and hop on the boat to BB. You need to go through Ashenvale anyway to get the FP and discover all the territory near the WSG entrance so when you go to buy your loot, you don't level from discovery xp. Aggro in barrens is a lot lower, but you run the risk of getting ganked by every last horde (I'm currently lvl 13) so I guess maybe the tradeoff isn't worth it.

My toon is a draenei shaman, Ahmeek. I'll hit one of the leaders up for a ginvite, everyone was raiding last night.

Also, I'm more than willing to run people through WC or VC if I have time, hit me up in game. I'm only lvl 42 so it will be a bit slower than having a lvl 70 do it, but I'd like to do the quest for the deviate scale belt pattern and it's going to be easier to get with my pally. I was reading up on it at lunch today and anybody can do the quest (any faction or level) and the recipe is BoE. If anybody is a skinner and wants to come along with, you supposedly get more of the deviate scales from skinning than drops. It's an awesome blue BoE leather belt, let's farm enough stuff to make a couple of these.
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Anyone will be welcome to join us. This is going to be fun! We did our first Deadmines run last night thanks to Flarius. MUCH THANKS FLARIUS!
Ohh, something kicked my computer and it sent my message to post before I was finished... hmmmm, new strange things. I'm looking for input on pet names since we will probably be spotlighted someday if we keep this pvp group going. Some inputs have been Goblitchaser; Ichthuslover (for my snow leopard); Treehugger; Quantam (to memorialize a great guy who left us his great toon); Shalom (since it is my favorite wish to all); Paidinblood... should this be another poll? OHHHH nooooes! Most of us have reached level 10 and are now planning our Deadmine and WC runs as well as our flight paths. So if you see us on and are bored, let us know so we can get together and continue to get our new pvp team up and going.
i have a warrior 29 twink, gnome btw =), i do pvp all the time! i would love the idea of having a twink guild, i am currently in another twink guild, was the best i could find, and would love to be in one that guildies were in... i am currently making a 29 hunter twink, shammy twink, and another rogue twink.
o and on foxbeast, i am 375 skinner and 353 lw, so i can make any patterns you need me too, i can make clefthide stuff too(+30stam 10agil, and +40ap +10 crit rating). i can farm the mats too if you need me too
Ahmeek is currently lvl 14 and have all the flight paths I will need and all the pre-reqs for VC completed. Next time you get a VC or WC run, let me know. If you need any runs through VC or WC, hit me up on Anakardain.

I can also do low level enchants on Ahmeek, if you're super serious about twinking and want to get the good enchants (+100 heath to chest, etc) then I can't help you out, but I can do a few of the lower level ones to get you started anyway.

Also, anybody interested in doing the fishing quests in STV for the fishing hat (+15 stam cloth hat), if you need any advice or help, let me know. I tried it out today but didn't get any of them done as I ran out of time but I have a good feel for how things work.
Ortheas and I started some twinks for PvP. His is a gnome warlock named Pipsqeek and mine is a gnome rogue named Rebelle. We can't wait to get on the pvp action. We'll let you know when they're ready. Anyone know a good guide to exploring so that you don't accidentally hit 20?
Ortheas and I started some twinks for PvP. His is a gnome warlock named Pipsqeek and mine is a gnome rogue named Rebelle. We can't wait to get on the pvp action. We'll let you know when they're ready. Anyone know a good guide to exploring so that you don't accidentally hit 20?

Explore with your 70's LOL
I've been farming WC for deviate scales and the belt recipe. I managed to get enough mats to make two belts, I'll be keeping one, and I have an extra for whoever in the guild wants it for free. Whoever posts here first asking for it gets it. Just let me know which toon you want me to mail it to. Please only post if you are going to use it and not just turn around and sell it.

Here's the link to the belt in case you are wondering what I'm talking about.

I also farmed deviate scales for the belt and gloves, the belt and gloves are going to be the best we can probably get for leather wearers. I had enough mats for 1 belt and 2 gloves. Could use some more perfect deviate scale to make Shneaky a belt also, got rest of mats.
Anyone enchanters? We could use some prep for twinking our lvl 19 gear when or as we get it. Maybe set a saturday am for enchants. As enchanters, maybe you can recommend what enchants would be good for stuff. We could farm righteous orbs on our high lvls for crusader.... rofl.
Not sure on all the enchants, but +100 health to chest is a must, +7 stam to boots and +9 stam bracers are also really helpful.