I'm planning on making the trek through Ashenvale and down into the Barrens to discover WC and over to Ratchet to get the FP and hop on the boat to BB. You need to go through Ashenvale anyway to get the FP and discover all the territory near the WSG entrance so when you go to buy your loot, you don't level from discovery xp. Aggro in barrens is a lot lower, but you run the risk of getting ganked by every last horde (I'm currently lvl 13) so I guess maybe the tradeoff isn't worth it.
My toon is a draenei shaman, Ahmeek. I'll hit one of the leaders up for a ginvite, everyone was raiding last night.
Also, I'm more than willing to run people through WC or VC if I have time, hit me up in game. I'm only lvl 42 so it will be a bit slower than having a lvl 70 do it, but I'd like to do the quest for the deviate scale belt pattern and it's going to be easier to get with my pally. I was reading up on it at lunch today and anybody can do the quest (any faction or level) and the recipe is BoE. If anybody is a skinner and wants to come along with, you supposedly get more of the deviate scales from skinning than drops. It's an awesome blue BoE leather belt, let's farm enough stuff to make a couple of these.