Do we want to set a day to run people through VC/WC? I'm willing to run people through on Anakardain for either instance. My shammy is kind of at a point where I would like to farm for the BoP gear in both instances, but I need someone to run me through as well. Let me know if you are interested, this week will be busy with work, but maybe this coming Friday night?
I'm willing to run some Anakrdain... ty for running Pocahuntress last night. I'll have to run a few more to get that bow, almost lvl 14 now..... **sigh** I can't rez or heal, but I can stealth and ambush ;))
what classes do u need? since i just hit the i am 70 mark im thinking of making a twinkiod. so tell me a class and ill work on him.
my friend has a lvl 23ish druid that i can use as well if we need him!
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We're starting low; going to be doing lvl 19 WSG's for a while, build up exp working with each other and learning how to twink ourselves out without going over 19. We've got a couple rogues; a couple mages; one priest; one shaman; one hunter; one warlock; one warrior so far I think. Add to this if anyone knows they have a different toon. Maybe we should set up a name guide for the new twinks. I know so far of: Maybel=priest; Pocahuntress= hunter; Shneaky=rogue; Rebelle=rogue; Pipsqueek=warlock; Gypsyleerose=mage and another mage I can't remember name of and Teichos=warrior.

I bought a few books for advancing first aid. First 3 responses to this tell and I'll mail em.
i have a lvl 16 druid ive been working on that could join in( this is brug by the way). she is my feral druid and i could switch here to balance if i have too. i also have a lvl 19 warrior taht could be as backup.
That gives us an almost full WSG crew if we all log on at same time. That's a good start! I need someone to run me through WC, unfortunately been 3 times and haven't gotten a bow drop. Might need someone to clear most before Lord Serpentis so I don't get too much more exp. Let me know if I can run anyone with Schmeea or Aladrielle or even Krystalla. Maybe I'll park Aladrielle at WC since she also skins.
depends on what spec you want my druid to be . if feral i could use a run for the leather gear . if balance i really dont know. the belt and chest piece from there are nice for warriors
. i forgot to menchen in the last post taht i also have a rogue lvl 19 with the defias chestpiece so i can also use him if needed. mouse, pst me on brugalin , ill take you through for teh bow.
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I can make any class, im working on a warlock right now, so keep your eyes peeled for +shadow damage cloth things. Im working on gettign spellthread for pants, and getting
+8spell damage to goggles, im going to be an engineer. I have a SUPER twinked out 29 warrior too. he has 2.6k health with a shield, and 2.4k with regular weapons, i have zealot blade with crusader and a off hand blue dagger with 20+ dps that has +15 agility on it. i also have corpse maker with crusader on it. i really went all out on twinking him.

I forgot to mention that i am working on lvling my 21 hunter and getting him some good leather gear. Im going to farm gnomer for some blue boe leggings and put +40 stam +12 agiltiy on them, and getting some +35 quest gear, I am also looking to farm mats for 2 +15 agility enchants. Maybe ill level my human priest to 19, than 29.
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ok my twink melihelper (warrior) is up and running! and i just got my flying mount so now gold is for repairs pots and twinkage! o and paying back debts. so repairs debts and pots r my main concerns