Playing Female Characters

Now who would buy that game......never mind

Oh and can you believe it over 100 post on this thread that has now been totally hijacked and being held for ransom. Yes MM we want more cookies or no more thread muhahahahaha
Shagz said:
You guys/girls seen this?

"Triple world score?!"
"Pwned joo!"

Guess whose Scrabble set won't be getting an expansion?

And what is with you guys and your strange cookie fixation?


As for the topic: After directing a friend of mine to the Escapist issue you posted when he made a stereotypcial comment about females and gaming, another friend mentioned something about a "girl gamer" group. I guess this is Ubi-Soft's way of appealing to female gamers.
Could be worse...

Check out Wired's article. I just loved this bit: "violence, the use of force as a primary game mechanic, is an excellent way to keep women from playing your game. Negative emotions aren't attractive to women...I play Half-Life 2, but if I get shot at, I run."

:rolleyes: Yeah. This is my new strategy. Next time I'm in a guild battle and they attack me, I'll just flee back to the guild lord and stay there. What do you think? :D
Ok correct me if I am wrong but isnt this about using female characters when you are a guy. Or we are past that part of the discussion :0). BTW thank you for the cookies now if only they tasted better than that darn cheap paper taste.

Maybe I should buy photo paper.
Oh, I think it's just anything involving females and gaming, now. Playing female characters, what women like about gaming, using online games to try to meet women...

Oh wait, that last won't work. Most of the women are men... :D

And you didn't tell me what you thought of my new strategy! :(
one2dredd said:
lol ummm sure but what happens when they come to kill our Guild Lord?

Oh, that's when I go hide somewhere else...

Didn't you read the quote from the chick at Microsoft? Violence keeps women from playing the game. They run. She can't be wrong. She works for Microsoft.
MaidMirawyn if you ever say anything about girls being as tough as boys after that statement I'll have to.. uh... tie you to a stake and force feed you lima beans
lol She must be right no wonder there are no real women in Guild Wars......

I am of course joking lol
Uh, Matt, it's a joke. I linked to a Wired article with this quote from Lisa Sikora, of Microsoft's Casual Games division:

"violence, the use of force as a primary game mechanic, is an excellent way to keep women from playing your game. Negative emotions aren't attractive to women. They don't like heavy, adrenaline-rich, head-to-head sports. I play Half-Life 2, but if I get shot at, I run."

Just trying to point out what an absolutely ridiculous generalization it is. If you want to appeal to more women, DON'T HAVE THEM RUNNING AROUND IN BOOTY SHORTS IN THE SNOW! GIVE THEM A DECENT WARDROBE! STUFF YOU COULD WEAR IN PUBLIC! AND HOW ABOUT SOME BRAINS? HOW ABOUT BOTH IN THE SAME GAME?

Okay, taking deep breaths. It's oooookay.
*Helps MM of her Soap Box* Very Nice Speech!! You go girl :0). I agree as long as they don't make ugly fat chick into characters :0).

again i am joking folks