Playing Female Characters

MaidMirawyn said:
Thanks for pointing that out. I wasn't going to gloat that I manage to hold my own against a whole forum of guys, but now that you brought it up....

:p :p :p :p :p

Seriously, I wish some of the other ladies would post!

Footnote: Did you know there is a limit to the number of smileys you can use in one message? :D Now you know...
Well, when I find a female counterpart (aka girlfriend; heck, I even talk like a geek... :D ), I'll be sure to convert her to Guild-Wars-ism, and have her join SoE, so MM won't feel lonely. :D
MaidMirawyn said:
But surprisingly, most women I know LOVE the design/build/character portion of the game; my best friend and I spend more time designing and redecorating our houses and creating new characters than actually playing with the characters. (So I play like a chick. What's wrong with that?)

hrm, I've never played Sims 2, but in the original thats about all I ever did. :D
Girl Power from The Escapist

Back in November The Escapist (gaming zine) did an issue on women and gaming. There were a variety of viewpoints expressed, some of which I agreed with and some of which I didn't. It's definitely worth a read.

Not everything in The Escapist is PG! I think this issue was okay, but...I read it a couple of months ago, so I could have missed something. If you're under eighteen, use discretion. If you're older, you should be able to handle it! Just DO NOT read last week's issue! Really.
Yea, I read that too, but not all of it as of yet. The article on "there are no girlz on the internet" was hilarious. :)
Shagz said:
Yea, I read that too, but not all of it as of yet. The article on "there are no girlz on the internet" was hilarious.


That article, combined with hearing the same sort of thing from too many chicks, is why I never thought I would want to use TeamSpeak.

Obviously our guild has changed my mind...
YaY!! We changed someone's mind!!! lol now if I could only refrain from Bad Grammer,bad Sentence Structure, and bad Puctuationing thingys.
You're making progress! That was two complete sentences before you lost it! True, one was simply an interjection, but still, two sentences!
one2dredd said:
YaY!! We changed someone's mind!!! lol now if I could only refrain from Bad Grammer,bad Sentence Structure, and bad Puctuationing thingys.

Perhaps, but if you do, you wouldn't be able to do things like this anymore:

7h!$ !$ 4n 3x4mp13 0f wh47 h4pp3n$ wh3n gr4mm4r, $p311!ng, 4nd 411 ru13$ 0f 3ng1!$h 4r3 707411y 7hr0wn 0u7 7h3 w!nd0w.
Thrawn said:
Perhaps, but if you do, you wouldn't be able to do things like this anymore:

7h!$ !$ 4n 3x4mp13 0f wh47 h4pp3n$ wh3n gr4mm4r, $p311!ng, 4nd 411 ru13$ 0f 3ng1!$h 4r3 707411y 7hr0wn 0u7 7h3 w!nd0w.

`/4`/!!11one 11337 $|*33|<!
ChickenSoup said:
1 4/\/\ `/0|_|& \/\/0&$7 |\|16|-|7/\/\4&3!!!

No, you are not a nightmare, let alone my worst one. Nightmares you can wake up from and forget. I'd classify you, and your 1337 $|*4/\/\, more as an annoying headache.

Now, where's my aspirin...
