Party @ the Sunwell?

Is there anyway we can know in advance what the raid is gonna be? putting up a years worth of signups and having no idea where we are going isnt exactly motivating. I was excited when we were trying alar, and seemed to be making progress and then all of a sudden we never go back there, then we try leo one week, then next we are on hydross, all this jumping around trying new things but never finishing what we started sure feels a lot like what we were doing last time before raiding imploded, all of our raid leaders quit and we couldnt even scrap kara groups together

Looks like my reply to this is sitting on my desktop at work which I will bid adeiu to either today or tomorrow, so w00t for that :)

At present, without consistent raid attendance, particularly by those designated as raiders, it's difficult to determine who we'll attempt on any given night, so the short answer is no. When people start signing up more and attending more - that will obviously change.

While there are a good number of people that *do* sign up, likewise, there are several who don't sign up and expect a spot or do sign up and don't show or don't communicate the possibility that they may not make it. This obviously makes planning pretty difficult. If we had a full 25 spots committed with key roles - we could say for sure what boss we're going to do, e.g. if we have 4 tanks we can do Al'ar, a lock with FR, Leo, Pally tank, Tidewalker and what have you.

Until that shows's hard to give you firm answers :(

When ever HK had problems going to AQ40 (which happened quite often seeing most people preferred undead over giant bugs) the leaders would offer the next raid day to be a Naxxramas day. Often the plan worked and more people would log onto their main or try to stick around for AQ40 and get some bosses downed.

It wasn't really a chance to progress in Naxxramas, instead it was a chance to go to a raid and not have to spend time making or farming flasks and pots; essentially you could walk into a 40 man raid and screw up (sometimes on purpose) and get away with it. It was so fun... Maybe that would work here.

Also, when HK had a problem getting people to raids, they would offer more DKP... but <looks at Nevi...>, you guys don't use DKP...

Looks like my reply to this is sitting on my desktop at work which I will bid adeiu to either today or tomorrow, so w00t for that :)

At present, without consistent raid attendance, particularly by those designated as raiders, it's difficult to determine who we'll attempt on any given night, so the short answer is no. When people start signing up more and attending more - that will obviously change.

While there are a good number of people that *do* sign up, likewise, there are several who don't sign up and expect a spot or do sign up and don't show or don't communicate the possibility that they may not make it. This obviously makes planning pretty difficult. If we had a full 25 spots committed with key roles - we could say for sure what boss we're going to do, e.g. if we have 4 tanks we can do Al'ar, a lock with FR, Leo, Pally tank, Tidewalker and what have you.

Until that shows's hard to give you firm answers :(


That is the issue... We haven't had the make up for Alar in some time. People come and go to much...I'm not knocking those people... This is not a raiding guild. But we all want to raid... and see new content... We raid twice a week and I walk into every Friday and Monday night wondering if we will have the raiders to go to a 25 man. (That's depressing to me.)

Truefully I'm having a hard time being motivated right now from this. I persoanlly think allot of raiders should be demoted. Maybe it the Class Leaders fault for not being harder on raiders.
Maybe it my fault for not pushing you all like I use too...
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I personally don't think anyone took the ZA wipes lightly, especially me. My repair bill was a nice reminder.

I want to learn how to be a team player and contribute. Not be a hindrance. What can we learn from this? Can someone offer up some helpful advice to people/areas that need improvement?
it's not motivating you and its not motivating us to show up when there is no talk on the forums and we have no idea what we are gonna do. Putting up raid signups 3 months ago and leaving it at that isnt a motivator. Personally I would just as soon go do Gruul if we are gonna at least get him down instead of jumping around like a chicken with its head cut off. Progression is cool to see new things but when you spend all night getting to a new boss, give it 2 or 3 attempts, call the night then the next raiding day we try a totally new boss it just seems silly. We are burning time, money, our sanity and taking all the fun out of the game when we spend 5-6 hours in SSC and all we down is lurker who drops the worst loot table ever, I would rather do Kara at least we get badges, thats the only thing giving me any upgrades in gear anyway and it helps others get geared to be ready for 25 mans
Anyways you can demote me if you want, my class leader hasnt ever said a single word to me anyway and if we are gonna continue aimlessly grasping at straws instead of developing a plan and sticking to it I might as well concenrate on PVPing and heroics where I dont have to spend all week farming just to be able to spend 6+ hours 2 nights a week to down Lurker and attempt 5 other bosses
I know for a Fact what I am about to say might not be popular and complete motivating, but I have to say it and I apologize in advance.

Mordos and I talk almost everyday about what boss and what we need for each zone.

We both think that we would like to Focus on one zone and stay there and kill everything but the issue we are having is that people need to show up and that means certain people that are geared for the bosses. We have never required a spec of a person so that they can raid because we are not a raiding guild. But if you want us to be more forceful about what needs to be done so that the people in the guild can raid we can do it. One of my worries is that we will lose more people because we are forcing a class spec on certain people.

A'lar we need 4-5 tanks and 6-8 healers. That is easy to do we can do it.

Leo We need 2 Warlock Spec and Geared with max Fire protection and speced (please don't quote me I did this on a Fast Fly) THIS IS ONLY FOR LEO WARLOCK TANKS

Tidewalker is easy we need 2 paladin tanks and a TON of Warlocks.

need I go on. I am willing and Mordos is willing to start listing Raid on where we are going if we can get 25 people to sign up on the Raid sign up list and then Show up for the raid. Lot of Guilds don't list what they are planning to raid because it is easier to pick a zone when we have a idea of the raid make up.

I am willing to Say what we are going to attempt to Raid each raid day and then go from there. This Friday we are going to do SSC- Down Lurker and go to Tidewalker. With an Option of doing a new zone like sunwell or BT if we have the people and Leadership thinks can take the new zone without studing.

--- Raiding Guild Statement
Ok everyone people go Read the Strats on Mount Hij, BT and Sunwell Bosses. I am thinking of starting a Discussion and posts so that people can say they have read the strats and understand there class requirements on the bosses. State that you have read it and are prepared the guild that is a requirement for People to join the Raid. You are also Required to Sign up on the Signup site. If those both requirements are not done you are not prepared for the raid and will not be inviteded unless there is a spot requirement to fill. If because you did not study or fail to listen to the raid leader and wipe the raid you will be required to reimburss the guild bank for Raid repair costs.
---Raiding guild Statement (I have seen that in some guilds)

I came to Redeemed to get away from that type of enviroment and stress. I want to be able to post where we are going each week but because of people in the guild having Real lifes (which is a very good thing) we can't say we can go to TK or SSC or BT on the signups because we don't want to lie and say we are going to go to SSC and then Head to Gruul.

OOH OOH I have an idea we will post where we are going to go and if we don't have the people for that raid we will call the raid for the night. How do you like that Idea???

Please remember this post is not targeted at anyone and I am not trying to be mean or offend anyone I am just frustrated that we can't down bosses that we downed for months because.... I Don't know why.

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well you can post where we are shooting for going and it will still be better than nobody EXCEPT you and mordos having ANY clue. Maybe you guys could talk to more people about it like say... have a discussion on the forum, get more people involved and excited.

you can count me out on friday I'm not going and looking up 10 different boss fights for something that might happen and probably wont.

I used to have fun raiding with this guild, it was about fun... I remember times of going into fights without the "perfect" group and just trying it, sure we wiped, but we had fun. Last night in MT we wiped plenty, and I even solo'd a boss from 80% with everyone sitting around laughing and cheering me on, it wasnt perfect and we didnt win pretty but we did it. Nevi lost con and we still tried to 4 man another boss on heroic:p IT WAS FUN!

My class leader is never around and never reads these boards so anyone is free to go ahead and drop my raider status
Tell you what Where...sense you seem to know what everyone wants... you have raid lead... or anyone else that thinks they like to handle this stress, cause I don't want to deal with it. Ug and I out for two weeks...We're not leading... We'll show up, but not leading.

Personally I think Proudfoot should take a shot.
Please reconsider leading Mordos.....and Ug. <3
Where's view is not a suprise...nor is he the only one who feels that way but that doesn't make the way it is being done now wrong. Its hard not to take other people's frustrations with the way you do things personally ....I know that but you are both great people who have spent alot of hard work getting the raids to where they are now. And for the are both leaders with or without walking away from one won't change that.
So I show up, spend an hour waiting then flip a coin and decide where to go then get mad at everyone for not knowing every strat in the game and talk down to people like they are beneath me and make them not want to raid anymore? Sorry its not in my character to be a 25 man raid leader
Thank you Where for making my choice easy I am done. I going to leave WoW for a while maybe back in 2 weeks or never thank you for treating me like crap Where. I can't do anything to help you get over your problem that we can't tell you where we are going BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW UNTIL THE RAID IF FORMED!!!! We have to Plan and read a Ton of Strats because until the Raid is formed we can't tell you where we are going because this is not a Raiding guild and people don't always show up for the raid. The reason we tell everyone to read a ton of strats is because we have to so that we can raid if and what we have in the raid.
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I feel the Love the "Where". IF you had decided to talk to me instead of Airing it in the Forums we could have worked this out but because you decided that you could not be an adult and decided to whine in the forums about you had to read strats and wanted to know where we were going you made this game un fun and more stressful than I need in my life. I play the game to deal with stress and get away from the real world which for me really SUCKS!!! I try to be nice in the raid but at times it is like hurding cats and when that happens I have to be mean. This thread need to be closed before it gets worse but I am done and I am sure that Mordos is done also (can't speak for him). You lead or find another person but I am so happy now that I signed up for the Beta of Warhammer because I am going to spend all my time that would would spend in WoW there.

I am done talking and I am not going to post again and I am not going to read this thread any more because I don't need this. Thank you for making my time and HOURS!!! outside the raid completely worthless.
