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False. Just got 9 hours for the first time this week :D

The person below me likes to listen to justin beiber.
False - Blue Grass, Aplogetix, and Klingon Opera

The person below has all of their December bills paid today.
True!! And it was payday so worked out nicely.

The person below me is going out of town for Christmas.
True they are very trucks, especially since the new 6.7L was introduced. See for yourself.

Don't judge me, I work at a Ford store...

The person below me drives a Chevrolet or a Dodge, or worse, a toyota (no proper noun recognition for them!) and is deeply sorry about it.

(If you aren't, you should be!)
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Hahah false. That is a sweet truck though. I own another American made car. 77 jeep j10 pick up. Classic!

The person below me has owned a car older than themselves.
False. Just bought myself a 2003 buick. I'm older than it.

The person below me bought a Chevrolet before they were terrible cars.
Depending on who you talk to, that may or may not be possible.

False - I've never owned a Government Motors Chevrolet.

The person below me will not talk about cars.
false-That would be un-American

The persona below has, is, or will be serving in the military.
Does Commander-in-Chief in 2044 count? Because that's when I plan on being the President of the United States. If so, true. Otherwise, false.

The person below me runs a store in a mall.
False. I'm a grunt at the firehouse.

The person below me should be putting up blinds instead of reading the forums.
True. But AFV n amazing race is on

The person below me is waking up at 6:30 tomorrow for work.
Sorta true. Up at 6:30, but I wll not be going to my place of employment today. I've got other tasks to do.

The person below me is going to the hardware store to buy paint today.
False. But am going to buy tools.

The person below me thought about replying to the last post but didn't.
False. Wasn't able to do that for the last post. But I have done it for many others ;)

The person below me does not have a Christmas tree.
False. Ours is up and beautiful.

The person below me is having second thoughts about buying a real tree, instead of a fake one.
False. Real is the only way to go. Makes the house smell good.

The person below me opens presents on Christmas eve.
Studying? No. Reading and writing? Yes.

The person below me is having their kitchen floor replaced today.