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True. We had a few around the house growing up.

The person below me knows the other two "common" speeds of a record player (without searching the web)
true - 331/3 78

The person below will have turkey AND ham for thanksgiving.
False.... But that's for finding it for later reference... Haha

The person below me has had a Walkman.

The person below me has a working 8-track tape player he/she listens to at least once a month.
True, Heading home right now.

The person below me has only posted in this thread once.
False. I have posted many times.

The person below me had a crush on either Princess Leia or Luke Skywalker (depending upon said person's gender) when the movies were fairly new in the late 70s early 80s.
False. Was not alive during the late 70's or early 80's.

Person below me is listening to Christmas music right now.
False - but not because I was around in the late 70s or early 80s...

The person below me is currently downloading SC2 because they cancelled their WoW account for school reasons and is waiting on SWTOR.

(Strangely specific.)
False...almost like its happening to you odale....

The person below me has more than 5 days played on a computer game
true - most likely close to a year real time on Guild Wars

The person below is planning on donating money or time to the Salvation Army this Christmas.
False. Twice in a row you guys failed by the way... Totally posted a minute or two after each other, and didn't even know.

The person below me has three bottles of an unspecified liquid on their desk right now.
False. Only got 2.

The person below me has over 2000 posts in the cgalliance forums.

The person below me has been secretly working on a Christmas gift for a loved one...and said person has no idea.
False, but goes and gets Ambryanna.

The person below me does not want to take their finals next week.


The person below me does not want to go into work next week.
True. I've been swamped with stuff in my personal life... Who has time for work? And if you tell Ambry, I'll hunt you down Odale :)

The person below me hasn't had a full night of sleep in a week.