Need advice

>secure your wow account


You have them.

You step into the office. Fire up the computer and log in to, your associated email, and the email you used to use. You change passwords on all of them to the most complicated string of incoherent letters and numbers your mind can create. None of them are the same, and you will start rotating them on a 12-hour basis. You take your authenticator and lock it away in a safe which only you know the code to.

You call 1-555- SECURITY and schedule armed Rent-A-Cops to be out first thing in the morning. Their schedule will be 6-hour round-the-clock shifts and they will guard your authenticator's safe with their life. They will also be in charge of implementing your password rotation. At the changing of the guards, no less then three guards shall be present and the first guard will not leave until the second takes his place.

You then call 1-555-GUARDDOG and order their craziest dog, with cage and leash to be stationed outside of your office door at all times.

You then call 1-555-5ALARMS and arrange for an invisible fence to be installed around your building perimeter, with trip wires across the office door. This package will come with 24-hour remote monitoring and alarm system.

All passwords for all alarm systems will follow the same guidelines as your WoW account password stated above. The guard dog will be trained to respond to that password as a command.

It will now take you 4 hours and 37 minutes every time you want to log in to the game. Also, your wife is sure to disapprove.

Nobody gets your gold. NOBODY.

Feeling a little more confident about your account security, you survey the room. You see a pile of stuff on the floor, a bookcase, a closet, and of course, your computer.

>search closet for supplies/weapon upgrades (ie - laser sight to improve accuracy of bat, duct tape/broken glass, etc.)
>search closet for supplies/weapon upgrades (ie - laser sight to improve accuracy of bat, duct tape/broken glass, etc.)

You open the closet. You find additional metal hangers on a closet rod, several dusty old college books, a toolbox, and a file cabinet. You look around for things that might upgrade your weapon.


((Keep in mind you can try to combine items, but leave the result up to me, as you would in any game. For example, you would say ">use rope with baseball," but you would not say >use rope with baseball to make a small mace." You basically can try combinations and I'll tell you what they create. No one has tried this out yet, so I thought I'd mention it.))
>search toolbox

Thinking the best possibility to enhance your weapon lies within the toolbox, you get it out and open it up. You find a hammer, pliers, wire cutters, a handful of nails, a tube of gorilla glue, a spool of twine, and a wrench.

>continue to search the house....what was that sound?

You resolve to continue searching the house after upgrading your weapon.

>combine what you found in toolbox with bat and laundry basket

You look at your [Trusty Baseball Bat].

Sure - heavy and blunt is nice... but the bat could use a healthy dose of sharp. You take the wire cutters and pliers and use them with your metal hangers. Making the cuts on an angle for maximum sharpness, you craft a makeshift barbed wire out of the metal hangers.

You receive item [Barbed Wire].

You use the spool of twine to affix the [Barbed Wire] to your [Trusty Baseball Bat]. This holds it on, but it kind of just spins around the bat. You use some of your Gorilla Glue to hold it all in place.

While that sets, you set to work on your shield. You hammer the handful of nails through your [Bright Pink Laundry Basket]. After all, the best defense is a good offense. Again, you reinforce the nails with the Gorilla Glue so they don't pop back out the first time they come in contact with someone's skull.

You receive item [Pink Spiky Shield].

It appears the Gorilla Glue has set on your bat.

You receive item [Barbed Bat].

As if you weren't encouraged enough by your make-up, this makes you feel invincible! Scary face paint, spiky shield, barbed bat... nothing dares to stand against you.

>continue to search the house....what was that sound?

You set out to search the house, looking for the source of the noise. You step back out into the hall.

To your left is the Living Room, straight ahead is the Dining Room, to the right is the Bathroom.

You are wielding [Pink Spiky Shield].
You are wielding [Barbed Bat].
You are wearing [Gym Shorts].
You are wearing [Black Winter Hat].
You are wearing [Tacky Tie].
You are wearing [Wedding Ring].
You are wearing [Light Backpack] (9 slots filled/10 available).

Your health is at 95%
Your energy is at 65%
You are Intimidating.

You have two (2) [Plastic Coat Hanger].
You have one (1) [Ink Pen].
You have one (1) [Bottle of Urine].
You have one (1) [Shower Curtain].
You have one (1) [Crusty Plunger].
You have one (1) [Tube of Toothpaste].
You have two (2) [Toothbrush].
You have one (1) [Nail Nippers].
You have one (1) [Can of Hairspray].


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>assault dining room

You can contain your rage no longer.

SOMETHING made a noise in this house, and it WILL pay. You charge straight ahead into the darkness of the dining room, swinging wildly and shouting various war cries. Glass is breaking, wood is splintering, walls are crumbling as your [Barbed Bat] desperately tries to make contact with an enemy.

You lose yourself in the rageful fit.

Everything is a blur.

You heard something, and you will RUIN this house with your anger!

After a while, the noise dies down. Even though you are still swinging wildly - there is nothing left standing to hit. You stop swinging and survey the damage.

The dinner table is knicked and scarred from the barbs of your weapon. It's also in half and only one leg is still attached. Chairs are strewn about the floor in a haphazard manner, all but one of them broken. Candles are broken and litter the floor. One of them actually made it into the wall. All of this is coated in a blanket of splintered wood and broken glass.

The wall! Holes in the drywall everywhere - it's new paint job now marred with the results of your fury.

You have completely destroyed this room.

You are in the Dining Room.
To the North is the Backyard.
To the South is the Stairwell to the Basement.
To the East is the Hallway.
There is no exit to the West.

You are wielding [Pink Spiky Shield].
You are wielding [Barbed Bat].
You are wearing [Gym Shorts].
You are wearing [Black Winter Hat].
You are wearing [Tacky Tie].
You are wearing [Wedding Ring].
You are wearing [Light Backpack] (9 slots filled/10 available).

Your health is at 95%
Your energy is at 45%
You are Intimidating.

You have two (2) [Plastic Coat Hanger].
You have one (1) [Ink Pen].
You have one (1) [Bottle of Urine].
You have one (1) [Shower Curtain].
You have one (1) [Crusty Plunger].
You have one (1) [Tube of Toothpaste].
You have two (2) [Toothbrush].
You have one (1) [Nail Nippers].
You have one (1) [Can of Hairspray].


-.- im just saying that she did! She's coming! And I don't know how your wife handles being woken up but I know I get really grumpy...