Need advice

Oh sure go with Dradow's silly idea of hiding in a closest but tear my ideas apart :p I'm not playing anymore!!!
Oh sure go with Dradow's silly idea of hiding in a closest but tear my ideas apart :p I'm not playing anymore!!!

Equipped with the best the closet has to offer, you stand at the top of the stairs, imminent doom lurking in the darkness below. The more you stare down at it, the more horrifying possibilities your mind conceives.

You REALLY have to pee now.

You tell yourself it's to better prepare for battle, but deep down inside you are really just trying to stall.

You rummage around and find the Empty Water Bottle. You unscrew the lid and fill it to the top. You're not sure what you would have done if the Empty Water Bottle's capacity was insufficient. You put the lid on tight. Really tight.

You create [Bottle of Urine].

For some reason, you toss this in your Light Backpack.

You are wielding Bright Pink Laundry Basket.
You are wielding Trusty Baseball Bat.
You are wielding Metal Coat Hanger.
You are wearing Gym Shorts.
You are wearing Black Winter Hat.
You are wearing Tacky Tie.
You are wearing Wedding Ring.
You are wearing Light Backpack (3 slots filled/10 available)

Your health is at 95%
Your energy is at 60%

You have (2) Plastic Coat Hangers.
You have (1) Ink Pen.
You have (1) Bottle of Urine.

Oh, what I wouldn't give for a holocaust cloak.

You ponder some of your favorite movies and the weapons/armor possibilities within. What would those heroes have done with naught but a bat and a basket? No matter how hard you try, you cannot come up with one single instance of "put on a hat and tie and create a bottle of urine".

You are sure to go down in history if you make it through the night.

You could really, REALLY, use a holocaust cloak right now.

Or the One Ring.


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Use the Neck tie, the Plastic hanger and the bottle of urine to make a trap on the stairs so if whatever is in the house trips the trap he is covered in urine, loses 25% health and gives a debuff: What the pee??: You smell like urine
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Use the Neck tie, the Plastic hanger and the bottle of urine to make a trap on the stairs so if whatever is in the house trips the trap he is covered in urine, loses 25% health and gives a debuff: What the pee??: You smell like urine

As excited as you are about the possibility of battle, you wonder if there might be a more.... safe.... way.

You remove your [Rambo Tie] (as you've lovingly named it) and fasten it securely to the neck of the [Bottle of Urine] and carefully remove the cap. Somewhere, from the other end of the room, Meg Ryan shouts her disapproval. Seriously, it's just flying in an airplane - get over it. You set the hanger on the flat railing with [Bottle of Urine] on top of it, with the unoccupied end of the hanger hanging over the stairwell. You run the [Rambo Tie] from the neck of the bottle, over the end of the hanger, dangling down into the stairwell. Using the [Ink Pen], you write "PULL ME" on the end of the tie.

You assume your position back in the closet - but closer to the door this time so as not to miss one minute of your clever trap in action.

You wait.

And wait.

.......and wait.

Whatever made the noise downstairs is obviously not interested in coming up.

You might want to look into playing Dungeons and Dragons.. I imagine folks that play that game would enjoy you being their Dungeon Master hahaha
Is there a bathroom nearby with which to further arm yourself? Possibly a plunger that has seen some use? A shower curtain that could be used as a type of net? Maybe there are matches next to the toilet for when you do the do that you can combine with some hairspray in the bathroom to make a wicked flamethrower?
Is there a bathroom nearby with which to further arm yourself? Possibly a plunger that has seen some use? A shower curtain that could be used as a type of net? Maybe there are matches next to the toilet for when you do the do that you can combine with some hairspray in the bathroom to make a wicked flamethrower?

This is it.

No more delaying.

Sure, your wife is safe up in the bedroom, but there are important things downstairs too! Your new perfect-for-Warcraft computer is down there, for Muradin's sake! Then, all the color drains from your face as you realize you left your authenticator right. next. to. the. keyboard.

Something could be down there right now.

Deleting your characters.

Selling your gold.

Getting your account banned.

You just can't stand idly by while this happens. You disassemble your trap and place the components back in your [Light Backpack], securely affixing the [Tacky Tie] back around your head. You tighten your grip on your [Trusty Baseball Bat] and begin the descent downstairs, your heart jumping into your throat with each creak of the old wooden stairs.

There is a persistent silence from the darkness below.




You are downstairs. Completely enveloped in darkness and silence, save for distant rants of Meg Ryan from above. You shut the door behind you, half to shut her up (if that's possible), and half to remove the last bit of light illuminating your silhouette from behind you.

As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you peek through the office doorway. Your computer (and presumably your account) is safe... for now. You enter the bathroom and rummage around.

You carefully unclip the shower curtain rings, fold it up and place it in your bag. You notice it has reinforced holes at the top and small magnets at the bottom.

You receive [Shower Curtain].

Further exploring the bathroom, you find a toilet plunger in the corner behind the toilet. This may help, but nothing can convince you to touch the bucket it rests in.


You are starting to notice a theme in your weaponry, and you're not sure you like it. You choose to continue to wield [Trusty Baseball Bat] and [Plastic Laundry Basket] for now. You place the plunger in your [Light Backpack].

You receive [Crusty Plunger].

You have a feeling things could get dangerous, so you look around for something combustible. No matches or lighters are in sight.

You notice a small medicine cabinet, sink, and linen closet are also in the room.

You are wielding [Bright Pink Laundry Basket].
You are wielding [Trusty Baseball Bat].
You are wearing [Gym Shorts].
You are wearing [Black Winter Hat].
You are wearing [Tacky Tie].
You are wearing [Wedding Ring].
You are wearing [Light Backpack] (6 slots filled/10 available).

Your health is at 95%
Your energy is at 65%

You have two (2) [Plastic Coat Hanger].
You have one (1) [Ink Pen].
You have one (1) [Bottle of Urine].
You have one (1) [Shower Curtain].
You have one (1) [Crusty Plunger].
You have one (1) [Metal Coat Hanger].

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((In an attempt to make this more like a real text-based adventure, please keep your commands to one or two lines, and always start them with the command line symbol ">". You can be as vague or specific as you want, and I'll write around it. For example:

>Run outside


>Run outside screaming in rage, looking for whoever stole your last bit of cheesecake.

This story will go where you take it - only the items and surroundings are taken from my real life, so have fun with it! Try to keep it semi-realistic though - no alien spaceships, time machines, etc :p

Also, if this one dies, I'll start one up about an in-game character, which may prove to be more entertaining since we are all familiar with that.))
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I like taking it from your life. Much funnier haha.

>make yourself more intimidating.

Looking around the bathroom, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the medicine cabinet mirror.

Tall? Check.

Muscular? Um...sure - check.

Intimidating? Fail.

Awesome though they may be, your [Black Winter Hat] and [Tacky Tie] cannot mask the laughter in your eyes, or the good-naturedness of your expression. You couldn't intimidate a kitten.

You cannot think of how to make yourself more intimidating with the supplies you have on hand. You make sure to remember that, if you come across something to make you look more intimidating, you will be sure to equip or use it.

You are still in the bathroom. You notice a medicine cabinet, linen closet, and a sink.

>Raid your wife's makeup. (Since you're a guy you're prob illiterate with makeup things...Eye-liner, blush, eyeshadow, lip liner, etc.)
> search the medicine cabinet to see what lies there-in.

You open the medicine cabinet. Various bottles and bathroom accessories litter the shelves. You see a tube of toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail nippers, a make-up kit, and a bottle of hairspray.

>Raid your wife's makeup. (Since you're a guy you're prob illiterate with makeup things...Eye-liner, blush, eyeshadow, lip liner, etc.)

You rifle through the make-up kit and find a rogue! ...or do you spell that rouge? Whatever. You also find chap stick, mascara, and various small tools that you have no clue what they do.

You take the mascara and liberally apply it to your eyes to get that skull-with-sunken-eyeballs look. You also create a scary war paint pattern on your cheeks and forehead. The street light shines through the window, eerily lighting your newly improved visage.

You jump back at the sight of yourself.

You have achieved Intimidation!
You are now Intimidating.

Your inventory is too limited to acquire everything you recently discovered. Please either /delete or /pickup items.

You are wielding [Bright Pink Laundry Basket].
You are wielding [Trusty Baseball Bat].
You are wearing [Gym Shorts].
You are wearing [Black Winter Hat].
You are wearing [Tacky Tie].
You are wearing [Wedding Ring].
You are wearing [Light Backpack] (6 slots filled/10 available).

Your health is at 95%
Your energy is at 65%
You are Intimidating.

You have two (2) [Plastic Coat Hanger].
You have one (1) [Ink Pen].
You have one (1) [Bottle of Urine].
You have one (1) [Shower Curtain].
You have one (1) [Crusty Plunger].
You have one (1) [Metal Coat Hanger].

>wonders who invited megan fox.....


>You decide that your current items, while cheaper and might have a lower iLevel than the make-up kit, are still a better match for your "skills". Exit bathroom and go back to the hallway with ears and eyes open.
>You decide that your current items, while cheaper and might have a lower iLevel than the make-up kit, are still a better match for your "skills". Exit bathroom and go back to the hallway with ears and eyes open.

Having used the more important parts of the make-up kit, you elect to leave it behind. Still, you have room in your [Light Backpack] and something is always better than nothing. You take the tube of toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail nippers, and the bottle of hairspray. After all, you can always set them down later.

You receive [Tube of Toothpaste].
You receive [Toothbrush] x2.
You receive [Nail Nippers].
You receive [Can of Hairspray].

You take one last glance in the mirror, assume an expression fitting to your war paint, and step out into the hallway. Your new face paint has given you the confident feeling you can only get after seeing a wicked awesome action movie. You know, when you're walking through the parking lot from the theater to your car, feeling like you could pretty much take on anything.

This causes you to think back to the last movie you saw in the theater... The Book of Eli. He was focused. He was protected. He was one with his weapon.

You clear your mind of all distractions.
You are focused.

You cling to your [Bright Pink Laundry Basket].
You are protected.

You brandish your [Trusty Baseball Bat].
You are one with your weapon.

You are prepared.

To the left is the Office.
To the right is the Dining Room.
Straight ahead is the Living Room.
You can see the Kitchen past the Living Room.

You are wielding [Bright Pink Laundry Basket].
You are wielding [Trusty Baseball Bat].
You are wearing [Gym Shorts].
You are wearing [Black Winter Hat].
You are wearing [Tacky Tie].
You are wearing [Wedding Ring].
You are wearing [Light Backpack] (10 slots filled/10 available).

Your health is at 95%
Your energy is at 65%
You are Intimidating.

You have two (2) [Plastic Coat Hanger].
You have one (1) [Ink Pen].
You have one (1) [Bottle of Urine].
You have one (1) [Shower Curtain].
You have one (1) [Crusty Plunger].
You have one (1) [Metal Coat Hanger].
You have one (1) [Tube of Toothpaste].
You have two (2) [Toothbrush].
You have one (1) [Nail Nippers].
You have one (1) [Can of Hairspray].

Your Inventory is full.
