Movie game

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ok then, next quote!

...and since it's October...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'll just sit here and be quiet, just in case they do suspect me. They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of a person I am. I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching. They'll see. They'll see and they'll know and they'll say, 'Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly
Im gonna assume I was right:

[singing] Brave Sir Robin ran away, bravely ran away away. When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about, and valiantly, he chickened out. Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat. A brave retreat by Sir Robin
ok another quote from the movie

Excuse me maam, can i please have my head phones

Hold on sir i will be with you in Just a moment
Another Quote
"Those of you lucky enough to have your lives take them with you! However, leave the limbs you've lost. They belong to me now. "