Mists of Pandaria

Yes, in a game where you can be a cow, riding a chicken, wielding a fish, and wearing a pumpkin for a hat I think it's INSANE that you could play a Panda.

WoW was never FOCUSED on you doing that, though. Yes, there were plenty of jokes in there, but the game wasn't ABOUT the joke. Now the joke is the primary topic of the game, and somehow they are still going to make it seem serious. Completely different.

Oh, and Taurens are too much like Minotaurs to be considered a joke by me. They are big and brutish, not fluffy and cuddly.
I am seeing a pattern here. I think most people who dislike the idea think that the Pandarens were, and always will be a joke. Yes, I get that Samwise Didier did draw the Pandaren initially for his daughter, but it was a passion of his, and he is even quoted as saying he couldn't wait to see the Pandaren in game.

Fact is, even if Blizzard has played it off as a 'Joke', the time of it being a Joke is over.

And everyone is more than welcome to their own opinion for sure, but remember that this was announced four days ago, and I am sure there is a crapton of information we don't even know yet.
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Pandaren aren't a joke. This isn't Blizzard trying to troll or make a "funny" expansion. They were part of Warcraft 3 and there was an epic mission with Rexxar and Chen Stormstout in Frozen Throne. People have been asking for Pandaren since Vanilla. If you think of "Kung Fu Panda" when you see them, that's not Blizzards fault. Kung Fu Panda was a great movie but it has nothing to do with Warcraft.

From a Blue post...
when recording feedback over the years from events like BlizzCon and many other avenues, the number one request (by a large margin) has been for us to add pandaren to the game. A lot of people want it

This expansion is focused on the conflict between Alliance and Horde. I look forward to the change. I'm getting a little tired of working WITH the Horde to take down big bad guys. There's a reason we have separate factions, we are supposed to hate them. Maybe Blizz will surprise us with more open PVP or city raiding.
I do not believe Kung Fo Panda has anything to do with this.

I remember the April Fool's joke from years ago- Blizzard and Panda Express had teamed up to bring you in game delivery options. That was epic funniness.

Either way, Blizzard has succeeded in taking a different path than traditional gaming usually expects.

I wish them well, but probably won't be joining for the Panda Mania.
I'm personally so excited for this expansion that I'm tempted to write a gm ticket asking for a group discount for all of my characters that can possibly be pandas.

Ok, kidding aside, I dig the idea of getting back to a conflict between factions. Cataclysm started it back up with Garrosh taking over and initiating hostilities in resource laden areas like Ashenvale but, at its core, this is a game about WAR. Remind me again, what was the title of the first RTS in the series? Oh, that's right, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. Yeah, both sides have picked up some friends along the way but that just adds more soldiers for the conflict. I'm much happier to see this than the World of Heateddebatecraft that we saw in Wrath.

And so what if we have to put up with a few (thousand) Jack Black and Bruce Lee jokes along the way? Chen was awesome and I'm glad to see the addition of a martial arts class in a magic user's world.

Also, let me show you my pokemans. My lil K.T. will kick the snot out of your snowshoe rabbit.
Yes, in a game where you can be a cow, riding a chicken, wielding a fish, and wearing a pumpkin for a hat I think it's INSANE that you could play a Panda.

I like this quote from MMORPG

Arrakoa = bird people
Centaur= horse people
Furblogs = bear people
Gnolls = hyena people
Kobolds = rat people
Magnataur = mammoth people
Murlocs = fish people
Naga = fish/snake people
Qiraji/Nerubian = bug people
Quillboar = boar people
Taunka = buffalo people
Tauren = cow people
Tol'vir = cat people
Tuskarr = walrus people
Wildkin/Moonkin = owl people
Wolvar = wolverine people
Worgen = wolf people

I don't see a problem.
I like this quote from MMORPG

Arrakoa = bird people
Centaur= horse people
Furblogs = bear people
Gnolls = hyena people
Kobolds = rat people
Magnataur = mammoth people
Murlocs = fish people
Naga = fish/snake people
Qiraji/Nerubian = bug people
Quillboar = boar people
Taunka = buffalo people
Tauren = cow people
Tol'vir = cat people
Tuskarr = walrus people
Wildkin/Moonkin = owl people
Wolvar = wolverine people
Worgen = wolf people

I don't see a problem.

On a side note I'd love to see Tuskarr as a playable race. I don't think there's that much lore to back that up but I loved them in Wrath.
This thread has been the most interesting thread on CGA in weeks.

just saying


...Ok, kidding aside, I dig the idea of getting back to a conflict between factions. Cataclysm started it back up with Garrosh taking over and initiating hostilities in resource laden areas like Ashenvale but, at its core, this is a game about WAR. Remind me again, what was the title of the first RTS in the series? Oh, that's right, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.

/start rant.

When you said "getting back to a conflict between factions" I think you really meant to say "starting a conflict between the two factions." For a series that has had such an impetus on conflict between Horde and Alliance throughout its past, the fact that WoW's PvP is severely lacking (read that as nonexistent) is pathetic. It took Blizzard 3 expansions and almost 7 years to get on this?! Come on. If they haven't gotten around to doing it by now, I seriously question how good it will be - especially when in the past they've made every effort to quell World PVP by adding flying mounts and 9,000 hidden level 85 guards at every city, everywhere.

When you compare WoW's current offering of PvP to other current games and even past games (like DAoC, which had the best PvP... EVER) WoW falls hundreds of miles short. In these games, PvP had a purpose. If you controlled enemy points the rest of your realm/faction got bonuses to various aspects to the game, such as enhanced crafting or enhanced leveling, etc, etc. In WoW, you PvP just so that YOU can get better at PvPing. You do it for yourself, not for your faction or your guild.

Additionally, before you say "Tol'Barad is large-scale PvP similar to DAoC and WAR, and so was Windergrasp!" No, no they aren't. The main difference between TB and WG and what both DAoC and WAR had was that WoW's PvP is very controlled. Only every two hours can you attack or defend and on the opposite side of that coin, there was a large chance that you could only enjoy the bonuses of controlling those zones for a maximum of two hours because of how Blizz engineered TB and WG (they were easier to take than defend).

In DAoC/WAR if you took a keep it might be 15 minutes or 15 days later when that keep is attacked. DAoC/WAR PvP solely relied on the players' choices in PvP. Also, advantages in regards to keep taking in DAoC/WAR were totally dependent on the force you chose to run with, not timers, lockouts or being lucky enough to be randomly grouped with people with good gear or PvP experience. DAoC/WAR didn't control how many people could enter the zone at a given time like Blizz does with TB and WG, either.

Honestly its like Blizz showed up to a gun fight with a pickle and some paper (I dunno...). Even Warhammer's end-game pvp (regardless of how broken it was) was infinitely better than what WoW offers at level 85.

/end rant.

Edit: I just read a short article about the changes to PvP. The resilience changes sound interesting, but also disappointing to the people that only PvP (such as myself). Whats the point of PvP gear if I can't own the snot out of somone in PvE gear? Also, the "totally" new battlegrounds are long overdue - regardless of that they're still welcomed. Despite all of this, it does not seem that Blizzard has made enough changes to the way BGs work and how the results of PvP impact the rest of the game - it sounds like its still very much an afterthought.
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This thread has been the most interesting thread on CGA in weeks.

just saying

When you compare WoW's current offering of PvP to other current games and even past games (like DAoC, which had the best PvP... EVER) WoW falls hundreds of miles short.
I don't want to agree with the man, but I have to. DAoC's RvR (realm vs. realm) makes WoW's battlegrounds look like elementary school touch football.

If PvP is going to be a central element of the next expansion, then Blizzard should have led with that instead of pandas. The last expansion was named "Cataclysm," not, "Hey, Look, A Goblin on a Rocket" or "That Twilight Book Is Popular, So: Werewolves." The focal point was Deathwing's return (and it was about blasted time, by the way).

Instead of "Mists of Pandaria," might I recommend "Business Just Got Serious" or "I Am Not Even Kidding, I Will Cut You"? Focus on the PvP, set the Horde and Alliance at each other's throats (we knew the peace wouldn't last forever), and then introduce the panda-men.

Those interested in lore would have taken interest in the escalating tension between the factions, PvP fans would have raised their bloody swords (and my axe) in rejoicing, and PvE-only players would have hung on long enough for the announcement aimed at their play style: black-and-white bears for all the Care Bears.

But even after saying all that, I must confess I don't feel strongly one way or the other about the Pandaren. I'm indifferent toward the Worgen. I'm not interested in slaying Deathwing (though I am interested in the relevant lore, since I played WarCraft II back in the day). I don't care about Goblins.

...Okay, that's not true, I do care about Goblins. "WHERE Y'AT?!" "I GOT WHAT YOU NEED!" That never gets old.

What really matters to me? Oh, you know the answer:

My Pokemans. Let me show you them.

I'm confident Blizzard will continue to print money with WoW and, despite my mixed feelings for WoW, wish them the best. I know MoP will sell an absurd number of copies and some people will love it and some will hate it. I think their marketing approach is a bit odd, but they've made a hojllion dollars with the world's most popular MMORPG and I haven't, so they probably know something I don't.
No, what I really meant was restarting the war between factions that the entire Warcraft franchise is based on. I don't give a flying flip about PvP. WoW is a PvE game with terrible, broken, imbalanced PvP tacked on as a sidenote.