Mists of Pandaria

When people started talking about the expansion like it was a real thing, I was confused. I haven't followed in-game lore for quite some time now, so I had guessed that the next expansion would focus on the Emerald Dream. I actually received a Pandaren Monk companion pet (which I <3) as a gift, but there are Diablo and zergling companion pets, too. I missed the step(s) between in-joke and legitimate new race.

But, as I've said, I've missed a considerable amount of new lore, so this new expansion may not be as completely out of nowhere as I thought.

Maybe Blizzard think they'll retain more customers (with SWTOR and GW2 launching within the year) with a fan service expansion than a "serious" expansion like Cataclysm? I can't argue with the logic. I just don't see how they're going to reconcile the light-hearted tone of a race that started as an in-joke with high-level raids, which tend to have a more serious tone (and I'm already sick of the Kung Fu Panda jokes).

I've only been around since BC, but it seems completely out of nowhere for me too. I'll withhold judgment until more news comes out - Zarhym states we've only seen the tip of a very large iceberg - but as of right now, it all seems like a joke to me.
I've only been around since BC, but it seems completely out of nowhere for me too. I'll withhold judgment until more news comes out - Zarhym states we've only seen the tip of a very large iceberg - but as of right now, it all seems like a joke to me.

So did BC. It makes me think the same group is running this expansion.

I thought Lich King and Cataclysm were incredible.

I hated BC, really hated it.
I was at Blizzcon yesterday .. if MoP is a joke, is a hugely elaborate one. There were playable demos on the floor. It was all over the place. As much cash as they have to toss around at Blizz ... I can't see it being anything but real.

They are selling it as:
1) All 3 xpacs have been "end-boss" focused. Vanilla wasn't. In all 3, horde + AC had to team up to take down the baddie.
2) MoP will (ultimately) be about faction conflict, rather than cooperation.
3) So unveil MoP as their lovey-dovey harmonious place ... than H vs. A will rip it up. When Metzen was on stage ... he was pushing that idea very hard. He was wearing an AC sweatshirt but carrying Doomhammer ... specifically to make stir up the faction vs. faction angle.

But first stage of MoP is Hello Panda Island Adventure. No buts about it.

When MoP was announced, crowd was kinda confused ... but got excited with the monk bit. And the settings do look gorgeous.

Agree with other posts made in the thread that Pandaren have been around in Warcraft lore for a long time (certainly predating Kung Fu Panda which bears striking similarities) ... that apparently there was a large fan base upswell of support for playable Panda race ... and so on.

Additional cynical point being made is that now that Blizzard/NetEase have all the legal issues worked out in China and are on the same Xpac version for first time in 4 years that it's a play for an Asian-friendly setting to further grow that bit of the market.
Metzen said on the Stream that Pandaren were actually considered as a race to introduce for BC, but they didn't because they felt they didn't fit as well as Draenei and Belf.
So unveil MoP as their lovey-dovey harmonious place ... than H vs. A will rip it up.
Now that's how they should be selling it.

I guess there is precedent for Pandaren lore, but I wasn't aware of it. I still think the appearance and style of the Pandaren are at odds with the "heroes of legend fighting against mighty evil forces to save the world from the brink of destruction" tone that usually defines endgame content. Doesn't the thought of a cartoon panda-man going into battle against a giant dragon that tore Azeroth a new one just seem...odd to anyone else?

Then again, I never played a Gnome past level 15, so...

EDIT: Just so there's no confusion: <3 for gnomes. All my Alliance bank characters have been gnomes (and most of them fabulously wealthy).
So Pandaren is playable. But, which faction?

I do remember a collection of peeps upset with the Dranie things instead of the panda bears.
Wowhead has put up a New Talent Calculator for the Pandarian expansion.

I am seriously impressed with how they're changing things up in regards to talents. I like their style.

Also I <3 only hunters using ranged weapons, even though they're losing their melee ones. Makes them more unique.
Now that's how they should be selling it.

I guess there is precedent for Pandaren lore, but I wasn't aware of it. I still think the appearance and style of the Pandaren are at odds with the "heroes of legend fighting against mighty evil forces to save the world from the brink of destruction" tone that usually defines endgame content. Doesn't the thought of a cartoon panda-man going into battle against a giant dragon that tore Azeroth a new one just seem...odd to anyone else?

i think it sounds fun :D
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Doesn't the thought of a cartoon panda-man going into battle against a giant dragon that tore Azeroth a new one just seem...odd to anyone else?

i think it sounds fun :D
kinda like cartoon gnomes....
Doesn't the thought of a cartoon panda-man going into battle against a giant dragon that tore Azeroth a new one just seem...odd to anyone else?

Yes, in a game where you can be a cow, riding a chicken, wielding a fish, and wearing a pumpkin for a hat I think it's INSANE that you could play a Panda.
pokemans...nuff said
This. A hundred times this.

They could make the next race Murlocs and I wouldn't care, so long as they kept the pet battle system.

...Actually, playable Murlocs are entirely feasible now that they've added playable pandas.

/me strokes beard sagely

Also I <3 only hunters using ranged weapons, even though they're losing their melee ones.

Yes, I used ranged weapons 95% of the time when I played as Hunter, but I loved being able to charge in and smack mobs with my axe. I know that's not at all how you're supposed to play Hunter, which is probably why I enjoy doing it.

i think it sounds fun :D
Playing as a panda does sound like fun. It just seemed to come out of nowhere.

Yes, in a game where you can be a cow, riding a chicken, wielding a fish, and wearing a pumpkin for a hat I think it's INSANE that you could play a Panda.
Fair enough. :)

...I wish fish could be used as weapons in WoW. You know, like in another popular game.
You mean like this?
Yes. Very yes.

But can Hunters train to wield maces?

And even if they can now, will they be able to after the next expansion drops?

I didn't want to roll a warrior, but man...Fish as a weapon. That's tempting stuff right there.