Matrix Reloaded

Matrix Reloaded - Who is seeing it an what did you think?

  • Ownage!

    Votes: 32 100.0%
  • Pretty Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liked the first on better

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Why did they ruin it?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never liked Matrix

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't waste money

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i wish i were seeing it soon
I've been hearing alot of negative reviews for it. My roomates saw it last night and they both said it wasn't that good. I guess the first hour is a waste of the film since it didn't do much to advance the film plot.
Anyone seen the beautiful Animatrix yet? WOW! THat stuff rocks! Second Renaissance, Program, Second Renaissance 2, and the other one...geez they're good! ANd I MUST watch Matrix when it's on TV or available for purchase or rental. My dad and bro are seeing it tomorrow.
eh, it was pretty good. Lots of stuff that they didn't need in there tho. Seeing as we got there 7 minutes before the show and were one of the last in line. We were stuck with front row. So I'm feeling a bit sick now
We got home at 1AM now I have to stay up later packing, then get up REALLY early for a camping trip tomorrow. Must...sleep......
lots of action both fighting and sexual I was disappointed that ruined the experience for me, I like the first better and don't plan on owning this one
All the sexuality seemed so out of place, yet maybe there just wasn't a place for it in the first one? I'm disappointed in that, though the story was good and the fighting as always superb. I especially enjoyed.... eh, I'll let you watch it.
I thought it was good, although it did not carry the "mystique" that the first one did. As mentioned by other posts, the sexuality was rather out of place, and I didn't care for it. The action was absolutely incredible though. Can't wait for the final installment =D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TastyWheat @ May 16 2003,11:30)]I thought it was good, although it did not carry the "mystique" that the first one did.

"Mystique" is the exact word I used when describing what the new Matrix movie lacked. Strange that another ToJ member should use identical language in his mini-review. *Twilight Zone theme music*
First of all, how explicet/graphic was the sexual content. As a 15 year old, I do not like to expose myself to that kind of junk, and have not yet seen an movie rated hour for that reason. Just wondering if there was so much of it it made the movie unenjoyable.
well to be honest the movie dedicated at least 5 minutes to one particular love scene. The sexual content ruined my experience for that movie and I don't plan on owning it for that reason alone
I say we all e-mail the brothers saying that we want the airplane version of the movie released on DVD! (You know, the one they edit so they are alowed to show it on planes).
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Admiral_Ackbar6 @ May 17 2003,6:57)]First of all, how explicet/graphic was the sexual content. As a 15 year old, I do not like to expose myself to that kind of junk, and have not yet seen an movie rated hour for that reason. Just wondering if there was so much of it it made the movie unenjoyable.

As a 27 year old, I feel the same way. I was really looking forward to seeing reloaded & revolutions, but based upon what I've been reading and hearing about reloaded, I probably won't see either movie.

Here is an except from 'Focus on the Family's Review of Reloaded'

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]sexual content: This is the area in which Reloaded proves the most different from its predecessor. When a "temple meeting" begins to turn into a pulsating orgy, Neo and Trinity escape to a bedroom where they have sex to the tempo of the wildly beating drums. Glimpses of rear and side nudity accompany their movements (rendered less explicit than they might have been by the dim light). Their rendezvous is intercut with images of the celebration going on in the cavern outside. Barely-clothed bodies sway and leap, rub and thrust as the torch-lit mob gives themselves to the tribal (Stomp-inspired) rhythms. In other scenes, Neo and Trinity kiss several times and wake up in bed together. Neo kisses Persephone to persuade her to help him. Persephone bares quite a bit of cleavage. It's implied that the Merovingian manipulates Matrix code in a way that compels a woman to give him oral sex. Flashes of nudity are seen on a bank of TV screens.

Click here to view the full review
Just got back from seeing it, Wow it was amazing at some points yet a let down in others. Rave/Sex scene felt very out of place and unneeded, few of the fights felt stale or to cgi but that was only briefly. The ending was huge did anyone get the implications of it i had to explain it to my friends who did not pay as close attention, dont wanna say cause its mad spoilers but perhaps we could open a new post to discuss.

Acctully i will do that now.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tolkien @ May 19 2003,8:18)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Admiral_Ackbar6 @ May 17 2003,6:57)]First of all, how explicet/graphic was the sexual content. As a 15 year old, I do not like to expose myself to that kind of junk, and have not yet seen an movie rated hour for that reason. Just wondering if there was so much of it it made the movie unenjoyable.

As a 27 year old, I feel the same way.  I was really looking forward to seeing reloaded & revolutions, but based upon what I've been reading and hearing about reloaded, I probably won't see either movie.

Here is an except from 'Focus on the Family's Review of Reloaded'

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]sexual content: This is the area in which Reloaded proves the most different from its predecessor. When a "temple meeting" begins to turn into a pulsating orgy, Neo and Trinity escape to a bedroom where they have sex to the tempo of the wildly beating drums. Glimpses of rear and side nudity accompany their movements (rendered less explicit than they might have been by the dim light). Their rendezvous is intercut with images of the celebration going on in the cavern outside. Barely-clothed bodies sway and leap, rub and thrust as the torch-lit mob gives themselves to the tribal (Stomp-inspired) rhythms. In other scenes, Neo and Trinity kiss several times and wake up in bed together. Neo kisses Persephone to persuade her to help him. Persephone bares quite a bit of cleavage. It's implied that the Merovingian manipulates Matrix code in a way that compels a woman to give him oral sex. Flashes of nudity are seen on a bank of TV screens.

Click here to view the full review

And even as a 37 year old I feel exactly the same way too. As much as it pains me to have to say this (because Matrix 1 is on my all time fav list and I hoped the standard would be kept up), FOTF's review is deadly accurate.

I have given my own mini review of it over in our forum, but I'll quote it here again to save you the trouble of finding it:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ([TRiBForCe]tHeEniGma @ May 20 2003,1:04)]
Hey ya'll! I thought I'd put my two cents in here as well.

**Disclaimer: I've tried to talk about it as generally as possible, so my apologies if some think I'm being too detailed. I just thought I should provide some basis for my opinion.

The Good:
Generally, I did like it.  I thought the effects were breathtaking, The action was intense and the plot seemed to hold up very well for the most part.  The stunts and fight scenes were outstanding.  Smith(s) was witty if not a little comical at times. I liked that. The plot on the saving of Zion was well thought out but I thought needed a little more attention. Somehow, I found the oracle's statements both air-headed and profound at the same does she do that?   Amusing.  I enjoyed how the personal lives of the main characters were weaved into the plot, except for the excessive personal content...more on that later.  The freeway scene and the oracle's guardian scene was by far my favorite.  I think the way it was left nicely paved the way for #3.

The Bad:
After seeing it, I do think it was slightly over-hyped. The mainframe scene became a little convoluted after awhile.  I must admit to losing a little respect for Zion in this movie. I think I had psychologically equated it with something pure or holy in my mind...not quite the picture that was portrayed! The other thing I thought is that Neo really should have been wearing blue tights and a red cape and had a great big 'S' emblazoned on his shirt...

The Ugly:
The sex was totally un-necessary as well as the painfully slow motion bump-and-grind dance in the hall. I think we all figured out well in advance that Neo and Trinity had a thing going on without needing to spectate.   Nearly had me leaving right there. Yes, it could have been a lot worse.

In my opinion, If the first movie was a 10 out of 10 (and it was, in my mind) I'd have to give this movie, with wafts of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Tron and Superman, a 7.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ][any above comment about the sexuality]

Such is the beauty of getting the movie on DVD, one can skip scenes like that. I personally didn't care for it either, it certainly lent to a different overall feel in the movie. I'd be more likely to just not watch that segment. I rather liked the music in that scene though, I thought it was an excellent tune (but then, that's the kind of music I listen to a lot, others probably wouldn't care for it as much).

As expected, I was impressed with the fight scenes, often blurting out accidental exclamations during the movie. This is one point that ensured that I'd get the movie on DVD when it comes out. Hmm...maybe I'll be able to do that stuff someday...

As to the belief that this isn't as "mystical" as the previous movie, I beleive this one still is, just in a different way. This time you think you understand something (e.g. The Oracle) and now there's some question as to who is on whom's side. Maybe there isn't the original element of wonder, and there likely never will be again (nothing will beat the first movie) but there's still a good number of questions to be pondered and answered.

Now, To Be Concluded was a clever ending, wasn't it? What decent person would leave a story like that unfinished? Most every movie ticket they sold this time to individuals will be sold again in November.

As for the report of people killing and then claiming "Matrix syndrome..." Brings back memories from the Columbine days. Poor Neo and his Lot of Guns were to blame back then too. The lawyers have as much growing up to do as those who murdered.
The sexuality, IMO, wasn't glamourized. It was more like looking at a biology textbook, and the tribal-dance-orgy-thing seemed like a history show than a real orgy scene. It was in there probably to show how the humans could still have fun, or still be human. Still doesn't really justify it though. I thought it could have been easily removed and there wouldn't be any loss of quality. Especially since the first one had no sex scenes in it. Kissing yes, but I see people kissing almost every day, and cleavage is a common sight as well, so those aren't exactly my.. worries.

On the other hand, it can be construed that the movie is about real-life faith. Nobody has perfect faith in God. Moses, Elijah, Paul, David... all had their doubts and moments. Neo had his doubts. He wasn't going around laying the smackdown on every agent, or freeing everybody.
I thought it was pretty good. They did dwell too much on certain the love/people dancing scene. That was hardly worth the half hour they spent on it. My biggest complaint is that they have a very interesting storyline, but instead of emphasizing and building upon that, they emphasize the special effects. Don't get me wrong, the effects were cool, but I would have appreciated a bit more depth from the story perspective.